Sunday 1 June 2014

NVidia Quadro Vs GTX

When choosing NVidia video cards the options are limitless, but when you take a deep breath and start to sort out the different models, colors and shapes you identify a very clear picture. There are 2 main product lines NVidia offers which are Quadro and GTX. OK, so now that I know it's either Quadro or GTX, what do I do next? Well, it's simple enough. Just ask yourself "what am I buying this video card for?" Usually the consumer industry is split into 2 groups - Either work purposes or gaming. This is the first identification you should be making. If you are buying this for gaming, GTX would be a preferable way to go. This is because it can provide more CUDA cores (basically tiny CPUs that can divide the load work between them like small ants and gaming usually requires high FPS [Frames Per Seconds] which the GTX specializes in), and faster clock speeds. This allows any rendering tasks or number crunching to be done with ease.
Another important feature is the power consumption. Due to the job intensity this product line produces every second, those cards tend to get hot, very hot.
Now that you know what to expect from the GTX series, what does the Quadro series brings to the table? As mentioned above, those cards are meant to provide accuracy to the user. Whether its blueprints of a car, a new mechanical arm or a building design, the accuracy of the information is very, very important! While the GTX user can, and should, expect some errors in the output (such a jumping frame on the right side of the screen while playing GTA V), imagine a wrong line or coordinate when designing a building. It might cause a critical mistake!
The Quadro series usually comes with more Buffer RAM and more bits per lane to allow a higher transfer rate of data.
Moreover, the chipset comes with ECC [Error Correction Code], another feature that assures accuracy to its users.
In addition to that, the series also keeps the card cooler so they are less likely to burn up while performing a task.
The accuracy, higher RAM and power consumption puts the Quadro as best choice for production, design and work jobs but it comes with a price and that price is usually twice as much as their twin brothers in the GTX series.
So after you made the distinguishment and understand the difference between the 2, it's easier to focus on one series. Before you commit to buy, make sure that your computer can support the card. If the card has a PCIe revision that isn't supported by your motherboard you are losing on bandwidth and throwing your money into the trash.
Other compatibility issues might be caused by your OS, power consumption limits, or physical power connectors. All of those need to kept in mind before making the purchase of your next video card.

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