Sunday 1 June 2014

Three Examples of Small Laptop Computers

Small laptop computers are very convenient since they are so portable. They are used frequently by people who travel a lot, who study or do their work in coffee shops and just for those who like the small design especially if you live or work in a small space. Small laptop computers come in two basic configurations. An ultra-mobile PC (UMPC) is the smallest and the other is a subnotebook also called a Netbook. The biggest differences between the two are the display screen size, the software operating system and the processor capability. The UMPC has a screen size of 7 inches or less while a Netbook comes in 9 inch, 10 inch and 12 inch screens.
Small laptop computers consume less power and they enable you to do your work from anywhere at any time. Before you purchase one of these computers it is important to check out what kind of software they have, what the life and size of the battery is and its overall features. Many small laptop computers are now packed with the same specifications as the larger computers. These devices are becoming more and more popular and are expected to become one of the largest industries in computing. They are targeted at users with basic computing needs; for example - email, chat, music, videos, movies and just everyday use of the Internet.
The Acer Asper One comes in several different versions; each with its own size and specification but this small laptop computer consistently earns top marks from reviewers. It is not considered the absolute best Netbook on the market but you will most definitely get a lot of features and the laptop is affordable. You can surf the Internet, install a program and have tunes running in the background with no performance loss. The Acer has both a headphone jack and a microphone jack, which is a very nice feature. You can also upload pictures from your digital camera. And because of the size, you can carry this computer is a small bag or purse. This is one Netbook that performs as well as it looks.
The Dell Inspiron Mini 9 weighs a little over two pounds. It is rugged, very quiet, power friendly and very durable. Its external speaker provides good sound quality and the laptop provides over four hours of battery life.
The HP 2133 Mini-Note is a high spec PC and as good as any larger laptop. This laptop is small but solid and the extra wide keyboard makes typing considerably easier than some of the other small laptop computers. Its sound is very good and it is a fast enough machine to check emails, surf the web and write documents.
These are just three examples of a nice array of small laptop computers that are currently being offered at very good prices. Be certain to check all features to make sure the laptop you purchase will fit all your needs.

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Laptop Versus Desktop Computers: Which Is Best for You?

Laptop and desktop computers offer a wide variety of features and functionality, but which option is right for you? The answer depends on your computing requirements, personal preference and technology budget.
Desktops tend to be all-inclusive machines that offer more bang for your buck. They often come with accessories like a monitor, speakers, keyboard and mouse, which makes them less expensive than laptop computers. There are desktop models available from leading companies for less than $300, while notebook computers can cost at least $499. However, desktop models with all the bells and whistles, such as the latest Apple iMac all-in-one computers, run well more than $1,000.
Desktop computers are generally easier to maintain, repair and upgrade. Replacing their components can be as simple as plug and play, which the average user can handle. Notebook computers, on the other hand, typically have everything built-in, so upgrading and replacing parts may be best left to a professional. Desktop computers are also inherently safer, by virtue of their design. They're less likely to be moved and damaged in the process. They also have a much lower risk of getting stolen than their notebook counterparts. If the bulk of your computing activities take place in a stationary setting, a desktop is the ideal option.
A laptop computer may be a better alternative if you're more concerned about size, mobility and versatility. You can easily take it on the road for business and casual trips. And today's notebook computers let you enjoy the ultimate in portable computing without sacrificing performance and Internet connectivity. They combine quick, dual-core processing, a large-capacity hard drive and plenty of RAM memory to allow for multitasking. So you can run multiple resource-hungry programs or applications simultaneously. If you're a frequent traveler, you can also take advantage of a light-weight laptop that wirelessly connects to the Internet at any Wi-Fi hotspot. If you can't find everything you need in a laptop, there are a host of accessories and apps you can download to enhance its capabilities.
Choosing between a laptop and desktop computer requires thorough research and careful consideration. Amazon and Office Depot and other online retailers are a good place to start the process. They allow you to easily and quickly research product features, specifications and pricing information from the comfort of home. Then once you narrow down what you're looking for in both categories, visit electronic stores to see both options in action. From there, the decision comes down to which product meets your technical needs, fits your lifestyle and falls within your price range.

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Brief Glimpse About Palmtop and Laptop Computers

Palmtop computers are quite similar to the desktop computers. It has all the features included in it. Unlike the desktop computers, it is compact in size and can be used easily for accessing email accounts and word processing documents.
These computers are any type of portable devices that imitate the features of personal computers. Most of these devices can be held in the palm of your hand and carried in your pockets. These include a touch screen or a small keyboard.
What are Palmtop Computers
This is a type of handheld computer which is also known as the PDA or the Personal Data Assistant. This handheld can be used as a cell phone, data entry device and a web browser. It is one of the most efficient devices that help to connect to the internet wirelessly from the palm of your hand. Modern equipments have advanced features which include the ability to connect to a computer network. It also functions as a global positioning device. These can also be used to take digital photos, store text based information, phone numbers and addresses.
There are many benefits of using the palmtop compared to the desktop. The cost of these computers is one of the most attractive features as it costs only a fraction of the desktop. Therefore, it can be used by students to access emails and store useful information.
Mobility is another attractive feature of the palmtop. It is known to be one of the most useful electronic equipments that can be used by students in educational environment. It can be carried from one classroom to another without the use of wires.
Laptop Computers
The laptop computers or notebook have become very popular these days. Today most of the people prefer to use notebook as their main computer. These are light and portable compared to the desktop. Notebook computers have a number of advantageous features such as portability, lower power requirements and easy access to ports. It can therefore be used by businessmen and students as it requires less space and electric power.
The interior components of a notebook are quite complex unlike the desktop. The RAM and the storage devices can be upgraded easily. It is quite difficult to replace the laptop motherboard or graphics chip. The notebook configuration is limited by the computer manufacturers whereas the desktop have unlimited configurations.
Notebook computers have risen to popularity all around the world due to its amazing advantages compared to the desktop computers. A large number of networks can be accessed easily with the help of notebook computers. Both public and private wireless networks can be accessed with the use of notebook computers. One of the greatest advantages of the notebook computers is that it can be operated during power outrages.
Computers have evolved the lives of mankind in unimaginable ways. Compared to different types of computers, notebook computers are becoming increasingly popular with desktop computers becoming obsolete.

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MTP(R) or MPO(R), What's in a Name?

The term MPO stands for Multi-fibre Push On and is a specific interface type. The MPO interface was developed to enable multi-fibre connectivity for higher density, higher bandwidth based applications requiring parallel or channel based optics. 12 and 24 fibre versions are currently used to direct connect into 40GbE and 100GbE transceivers and also used in high density fibre distribution areas. Higher fibre versions are also available (48, 72 fibre) but their use and deployment is currently limited.
The MPO interface is primarily defined by the IEC standard 61754-7 and TIA-604-5 9 (US). These standards respectively cover the mating capabilities of devices and passive components when using a multi-fibre connector of this type.
The MTP® connector is specifically a brand of MPO interface connector that is owned by the leading US based optical R&D company US Conec. Like MPO it is based on the MT (mechanical transfer) ferrule technology which was developed by Nippon Telephone and Telegraph (NTT) during the 1980s.
The MTP® (Mechanical Transfer Push On) connector is widely recognised as the highest performing MPO connector in the market due to a number of unique and patented mechanical features that significantly stand out from those of a standard MPO connector. US Conec comments that the MTP® connector is "a high performance MPO connector with multiple engineered product enhancements to improve optical and mechanical performance when compared to generic MPO connectors."
As an example, some of these key primary enhancements are described below;
  • A floating ferrule that aids in accurate alignment and improves performance of mated ferrules under stressed load conditions.
  • Elliptical guide pins that allows for better alignment by improving mating guidance and reducing hole wear.
  • Removable housing allowing for smoother transition of gender types in the field and easier access to performance testing and re-work of the MT ferrule.
  • The MTP® connector has a metal pin clamp that centres and guides the push spring. This feature eliminates lost guide pins, centres the spring force and eliminates damage to fibre cables from the spring.
  • The MTP® connector spring design maximizes ribbon clearance for twelve fibre and multi-fibre ribbon applications to prevent fibre damage.
  • The MTP® connector is offered with four standard variations of strain relief boots to meet a wide array of applications. Available to meet a variety of cable constructions, round, loose micro core oval jacketed, bare ribbon and short boot options, all of which are ideal for use in space limited applications.
The MTP® connector is currently available in 4, 8, 12, 24, and 72 fibre densities for multimode fibre (50µm and 62.5µm core) and 4, 8, 12, and 24 fibre densities for single-mode fibre, as well as the MTP® Elite® (low-loss) single-mode connector in both 8 and 12 fibre densities.
It is also important to note that the MTP® connector complies with the MPO standard as outlined in IEC standard 61754-7 and TI-604-5 and is therefore a fully compliant MPO connector and can interconnect directly with other MPO based infrastructures.
Use of Generic MPO Connectors vs MTP® Connector
Independent verification and tests have continually re-enforced the MTP® connector as offering superior over-life performance when compared to standard MPO connectors.
This higher performance has resulted in wide adoption, not just by fibre cabling manufacturers, but also by switch, server and storage manufacturers.
Connecting to equipment with MTP® connectors is best done using optical fibre cables with MTP® connectors, although other MPO cables are likely to work but may not offer the same performance.
It is possible to connect cables from different cabling manufacturers that use the MTP® connector in their range. However, a detailed understanding of how the polarity is managed within each manufacturer's product range is required.
What to remember
It's very simple to understand really in that if you are discussing, commenting or specifying the use multi-fibre connectors.
  • MPO is an interface type. There are many connector manufacturers to choose from to get this connector.
  • The MTP® connector is one type of MPO connector. It is a brand owned by US Conec and used by most active equipment manufacturers and cabling companies.
  • There is an internationally recognised standard for MPO connectors.
  • MTP® is fully compliant with the requirements of MPO standards.
  • If you are looking to connect to you active equipment (such as CISCO) then a cable with MTP® connectors will give you the best over-life performance. Other MPO connectors should also work, but may not perform to the same level.

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Replace Your Fax Rolls When Needed in Order to Keep Your Pages Crisp, Legible, and Professional

Many people look at the fax machine and wonder why there are businesses that still use this somewhat outdated piece of equipment in the office. The fact of the matter is, many places of businesses, and homes even, still use this type of technology to pass documents back and forth to each other. It is often a form of communication to rely on if the Internet is down and files cannot go through email. Also, faxing is great for places that actually do not yet have Internet in the building. So, while it is not as popular anymore, it is still used.
Faxing was something great when it first hit the technology market back in the early 90's. It was a way of getting important paper sent back and forth from businesses to keep your business going strong. In the days when internet was a rare aspect of your business, or even when computers were not popular, faxing became popular. Basically. your fax machine works as a scanner and printer, while being able to send your document via a phone line connection. Now, it is more common to find some wireless fax machines, but mainly, they are still connected to a phone line.
The fax machine will take a scan of your document and then electronically send it via the machine to the receiving machine which will then print it out like a regular printer. The key to this machine working though is keeping a decent supply of fax rolls on hand so the toner in your machine continues to run and work smoothly. If you do not have a fax roll that is new, or has enough ink on it, the printed pages will look very faint and you may have a hard time trying to read them.
While many places do not use fax machines as often as before, they really come in handy if for some reason the internet to your business is out and you cannot email the important paper to a client or a potential client. The great aspect of the fax machine, is that has long as the building has power, you can send your paper to the person or business on the other end and have no interruptions to your workday.
Keeping an eye on your fax rolls in your fax machine will help to keep your business up and running because you will never have problems trying to get documents to and from clients so your business can stay successful and profitable at any time of day.

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NVidia Quadro Vs GTX

When choosing NVidia video cards the options are limitless, but when you take a deep breath and start to sort out the different models, colors and shapes you identify a very clear picture. There are 2 main product lines NVidia offers which are Quadro and GTX. OK, so now that I know it's either Quadro or GTX, what do I do next? Well, it's simple enough. Just ask yourself "what am I buying this video card for?" Usually the consumer industry is split into 2 groups - Either work purposes or gaming. This is the first identification you should be making. If you are buying this for gaming, GTX would be a preferable way to go. This is because it can provide more CUDA cores (basically tiny CPUs that can divide the load work between them like small ants and gaming usually requires high FPS [Frames Per Seconds] which the GTX specializes in), and faster clock speeds. This allows any rendering tasks or number crunching to be done with ease.
Another important feature is the power consumption. Due to the job intensity this product line produces every second, those cards tend to get hot, very hot.
Now that you know what to expect from the GTX series, what does the Quadro series brings to the table? As mentioned above, those cards are meant to provide accuracy to the user. Whether its blueprints of a car, a new mechanical arm or a building design, the accuracy of the information is very, very important! While the GTX user can, and should, expect some errors in the output (such a jumping frame on the right side of the screen while playing GTA V), imagine a wrong line or coordinate when designing a building. It might cause a critical mistake!
The Quadro series usually comes with more Buffer RAM and more bits per lane to allow a higher transfer rate of data.
Moreover, the chipset comes with ECC [Error Correction Code], another feature that assures accuracy to its users.
In addition to that, the series also keeps the card cooler so they are less likely to burn up while performing a task.
The accuracy, higher RAM and power consumption puts the Quadro as best choice for production, design and work jobs but it comes with a price and that price is usually twice as much as their twin brothers in the GTX series.
So after you made the distinguishment and understand the difference between the 2, it's easier to focus on one series. Before you commit to buy, make sure that your computer can support the card. If the card has a PCIe revision that isn't supported by your motherboard you are losing on bandwidth and throwing your money into the trash.
Other compatibility issues might be caused by your OS, power consumption limits, or physical power connectors. All of those need to kept in mind before making the purchase of your next video card.

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Solid Ink Printing Gives Your Documents a Brilliant Finish While Being Economical As Well

There are so many types of printers on the market these days that sometimes it is hard to keep up with them all. Not to mention, some types may exist that you had no idea ever did exist in the first place. One of those printers that you may not know is the solid ink printer. While not as common as the inkjet printer or the laser printer even, this type of printer is both unique and useful in many situations. There are of course advantages and disadvantages to using such a unique piece of equipment, but once you hear all the great things that they do, you will want to buy one right away.
One of the great things about this printer is that it uses solid ink sticks. This sounds simple, and that's because it is. The solid ink stick, often sold in black or colors, allows for the printer to actually save more ink that other ink printers do. The package of ink is in fact the ink itself. There is no plastic cartridge that holds the ink. No, instead it is a stick of ink that is solid and when inserted into the printer, it will eventually melt down and be used as needed. This eliminates the waste from unused plastic cartridges and you can also save money as you are not paying for unwanted materials.
Another great advantage of using solid ink is that they last a long time. Because there is not a storage of liquid ink that could dry up if not used for an extended amount of time, you will not pay for something and never use it. The solid ink stick is slowly heated up within the printer and it uses only the amount it needs, and after you finish printing, it will solidify again until you print something else. This is helpful because you can print for many months and not have to replace the ink very often.
Solid ink also will give your papers and images the best quality of ink in the result. This is because of the vegetable oils used to make the ink, and the wax on the stick of ink gives a very glossy look to it when finished. This helps to give your papers a brilliant and rich colored look at the end. If you print many images, this would be the best printer for you to use to achieve a brilliant color.
Using solid ink in your solid ink printer has many advantages to the user. If you are looking for a cost-effective, environmentally friendly ink supply, this is the top choice. You will get amazing quality images in the end, and will save money for your business while doing so.

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