Sunday 1 June 2014

Laptop Versus Desktop Computers: Which Is Best for You?

Laptop and desktop computers offer a wide variety of features and functionality, but which option is right for you? The answer depends on your computing requirements, personal preference and technology budget.
Desktops tend to be all-inclusive machines that offer more bang for your buck. They often come with accessories like a monitor, speakers, keyboard and mouse, which makes them less expensive than laptop computers. There are desktop models available from leading companies for less than $300, while notebook computers can cost at least $499. However, desktop models with all the bells and whistles, such as the latest Apple iMac all-in-one computers, run well more than $1,000.
Desktop computers are generally easier to maintain, repair and upgrade. Replacing their components can be as simple as plug and play, which the average user can handle. Notebook computers, on the other hand, typically have everything built-in, so upgrading and replacing parts may be best left to a professional. Desktop computers are also inherently safer, by virtue of their design. They're less likely to be moved and damaged in the process. They also have a much lower risk of getting stolen than their notebook counterparts. If the bulk of your computing activities take place in a stationary setting, a desktop is the ideal option.
A laptop computer may be a better alternative if you're more concerned about size, mobility and versatility. You can easily take it on the road for business and casual trips. And today's notebook computers let you enjoy the ultimate in portable computing without sacrificing performance and Internet connectivity. They combine quick, dual-core processing, a large-capacity hard drive and plenty of RAM memory to allow for multitasking. So you can run multiple resource-hungry programs or applications simultaneously. If you're a frequent traveler, you can also take advantage of a light-weight laptop that wirelessly connects to the Internet at any Wi-Fi hotspot. If you can't find everything you need in a laptop, there are a host of accessories and apps you can download to enhance its capabilities.
Choosing between a laptop and desktop computer requires thorough research and careful consideration. Amazon and Office Depot and other online retailers are a good place to start the process. They allow you to easily and quickly research product features, specifications and pricing information from the comfort of home. Then once you narrow down what you're looking for in both categories, visit electronic stores to see both options in action. From there, the decision comes down to which product meets your technical needs, fits your lifestyle and falls within your price range.

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