Monday 5 May 2014

How To Build Up Rock Solid Game For Easy Seduction

Here's a daily system that will consistently build up some MASSIVE skills when it comes to women.
It's incredibly easy, and if you ONLY spend ten or fifteen minutes a day on this, within a few weeks you'll have serious mad skills that will give you more skills with girls than pretty much every other guy out there.
The first thing it requires is that you go out into the field. You are going to fail on purpose. Forget about getting her number or getting her panties off. Just get a response from her. Any response.
Walk up, tell her she's beautiful, and then see what she says. If she says or does anything other than call the cops or kick you in the balls, ask for the number. That's it.
I know, this sounds ridiculous and failure prone. The point is not to get the number from any specific girl.
Here's what you do next.
Go home, write down what you said, and write down what she said. Then come up with something BETTER than what you actually said in response. Write that down.
Then next time, try the NEW line. See how that works. Say something else.
Then go home, and repeat the process. Write down what you said, write down what she said, then write down what you said in response to that.
Then write down something slightly better. Then go out and try THAT.
Forget about trying the perfect pattern. Forget about all the goofy patterns you read online that are likely fake and have never been tried anyway.
What you are doing is building a HUGE library of flexible, in the moment conversational skills that will get you more action than any training course or expensive system.
The very best teacher for ANY SKILL is your experience. And not just the successful experiences, but the epic fail experiences.
Now, depending the stage you're at, this may be very terrifying to get started. Don't worry. You can start simply by listening to other guys. Go find a cutie at a bar and sit next to her. Then simply listen to the things guys say to her, and what she says in response.
Then go home, write that out,then rewrite it so it's slightly better. Then go and try it.
Refrain from posting this on all the forums, opening yourself up to all the keyboard jockey's who will analyze every syllable from their mom's basement.
Keep in mind this is NOT to get any particular success with any particular girl. Anything that ONE girl says is just another notch of experience.
One thing that will help is the patterns of covert hypnosis. When you these to rewrite your experience, and slowly build these into your game, you will soon be an unstoppable natural.

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