Saturday 7 December 2013

Notes From a New Widow

My soul mate of 24 years died in my arms two weeks ago. She had throat cancer and hadn't been able to swallow much for four months. Got her calories through a feeding tube. She weighed 80 pounds at the end, but the wisdom she went out with was solid gold. I was always the star, the one on stage, the one saying "Look at me!" and Annie was always holding the spotlight, directing their attention -- what Bette Midler would call "the wind beneath my wings."

All our lives, Annie O'Flaherty was an introvert with a capital I. All through our years at St. Anthony of Padua, all during our times in the convent as Sisters of St. Joseph, all through our roller coaster relationship of 24 years. What happened then, I had to wonder, when days before her death, she decided she wanted to have a memorial event while she was still alive? The department heads from her workplace were coming en masse for a visit and Annie decided to turn the whole thing into an (A)Wake. Your choir can sing, she said, but only these three songs. Nothing sentimental. No poetry. Just these three phrases that have been meaningful for me all my life. She wanted me to make a soundtrack using the overture from the movie BABE (she became a vegetarian the day she saw it and never ate meat after), Lee Womack's I Hope You Dance and Celebration Time Come On!

"You can read my phrases," she said, "but don't go taking over. This is MY memorial and I don't want any extras thrown in. I want it short and upbeat. And I want everyone I know to be invited." I put out a call to my mailing list for people around the country to send email notes to Annie that she could have at her event. Hundreds came pouring in. When I asked Annie one night what she wanted to be remembered for, she said "I want to be remembered as a person who was kind, funny and compassionate." Every one of those emails said exactly that.

The night came and dozens of people gathered to see Annie off. They sat by her as she kept her post on the patio couch. My 90-year-old mom was there. The Gnostic Gospel Choir was there. People she'd worked with for years came to sit and whisper their gratitude in her ears. The rabbi came. The priest came. People called in from around the country. And the words she wanted read as part of the ritual: from Hamlet, "The readiness is all." From Mary Queen of Scots, In my end is my beginning." And from Dag Hammarskjöld, "For all that has been, thanks. For all that will be, Yes!"

A week before she died, she wrote these words in her journal: "I am happier than I have ever been in my life. Even when falling in love with Jan. That was ecstasy, wildness, promise. This is different. Deep. Rich. Given unsought. Calm. Rooted. Peaceful. Lasting. I am blessed. And at peace."

Annie O'Flaherty's body is gone, but her tone is still resonating. I am changing every day as this glacier of grief moves through the landscape of me. The backyard is still the same. BABE still sits on the altar. The orchids are still alive. But I can't go out there yet. I can't dismantle the stage she created. I can't look out there without crying, half for sorrow, half for joy, that this woman I loved created a space for everyone to love her back before it was too late. A template, perhaps, for a new way of moving on..

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Cancer - The Big Boogie-Man

Have you ever wondered how someone gets cancer? If you answered yes then take comfort in the fact that the entire western medical world is wondering the same thing. None of the so called experts and highly trained doctors that you turn to have the slightest idea what causes cancer. Go ahead, ask them some time. What you get is a lot of "possibly this" or "maybe that" or some other non-specific comment. Why all the guessing? Because truthfully they don't know the cause of any disease. All these that participate in the medicine-man show only know what they have read in some book or been told by someone else. And where did that information come from? You guessed it, hand-me-downs again.

The first person I cured of cancer that had been diagnosed by a local medicine-man and his buddy the expert specialist, told them about me and what I had done. After they re-ran all their tests and found the cancer to be gone and not just gone but their exact comment was that it appeared like it had never been there, they never asked for my name, address, phone number or anything else. They just ushered the man out of their office and said good bye.

How is it that I can do what all these high-powered college trained medicine-men cannot?

First, I ignore and throw out all the antiquated and foolish ideas they perpetuate by passing false and biased data on to the next generation of upcoming medicine-men. Then, through training and practice I find the affected areas then find WHY they are affected. That's right; you have to know why these areas are susceptible to disease before you can cure anything. This is not only true for cancer but for any disease.

Why is this so important? Because once you know exactly what is causing the disease the root cause can be corrected and the body can once again maintain its own normal healthy state. This is exactly why your local medicine-man cannot cure anything. They never look for the root cause of the problem. They only treat the symptom by masking it. This is why they are so quick to hand out drugs. Drugs only fool you into thinking that the symptom is gone. Stop taking the drugs and you will quickly see the truth in this.

Truth be told, cancer is no more difficult to cure than any other dis-ease once you know the trick of finding the root cause of the problem. The local medicine-man can't find the cause because he doesn't know how to look. He trusts machines to do the diagnosing for him and as we all know machines are no better than the ‘person’ who built them. I have some real life horror stories about what happened to people who allowed themselves to be taken in by medicine-men reverently touting how fool-proof the magical machines they use to diagnose your symptoms are. And cancer, like all other diseases, is merely a symptom of what is causing the disease in the first place.

These medicine-men who swear an oath named after an old Greek called Hippocrates because they like to point to him as the "father of modern medicine" but refuse to follow his basic tenets when it comes to helping people. One of the basics that Hippocrates taught was that there is an emotional component to every disease. I completely agree by the way. But, when was the last time your medicine man even asked you whether or not you were mad at the neighbor down the street or if you were upset with your job? Not to say that he would know what to do with the information if he had it.

Start looking around for alternatives to the "snake-oil" salesman conducting your local medicine show. Stay with your medicine-man if that is what you feel most comfortable with but it would cost you nothing more than a little time and effort to check out alternatives to your medicine-man who has proven time and again that he cannot cure anything. Try this quick and easy experiment, Google the word "healing" on your computer and see how many medicine-men come up on the results.

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Sclerostin Antibody - Bone Overgrowth From Mutations

Sclerostin antibody - Sclerostin is a secreted glycoprotein with a protein sequence similar to the bone morphogenic protein antagonist family. The protein is encoded by the SOST gene in humans. It is produced by the osteocyte and down regulates osteoblastic bone formation.

Recently, sclerostin has been implicated in the inhibition of Wnt signaling leading to attenuated bone formation and growth, acting as a stop signal to decrease bone formation by osteoblasts. Mutations in sclerostin are a result from early stop signals during protein production, leading to uninhibited Wnt signaling and bone overgrowth. The mutations in this process can lead to a range of diseases, such as type II diabetes, breast and prostate cancer.

Production of this protein is inhibited by parathyroid hormone, leading to enhanced release of the calcium from the large reservoir contained in the bones, indirectly stimulating bone resorption by osteoclasts, and various other cytokines. Production of this protein is stimulated by calcitonin, a hormone which acts to reduce blood calcium levels that acts in opposition to the parathyroid hormone.

Bone remodelling is the process by which the adult skeleton is continually renewed through the highly coordinated activity of three types of cells, which are osteoclasts, osteoblasts, and osteocytes. Disruptions in signalling among these cells and alterations in their activity have been associated with skeletal diseases such as 'van Buchem disease'.

Mutations in the sclerostin gene are associated with the autosomal-recessive disorder called sclerosteosis, in addition to other disorders characterized by bone overgrowth. Sclerosteosis is a rare disorder characterized by bone over growth primarily in the skull, mandible and long, tubular bones. Individual affected with this homozygous disorder have no detectable levels of circulating sclerostin. However, heterozygous individuals for the mutations express the normal phenotype and normal lifespan, with dense bones and a low risk for fracture. This observation has led to the development of a novel strategy to emulate the heterozygous mutational state as an effective treatment for bone loss disorders such as osteoporosis.

Sclerostin is the subject of key research into both bone overgrowth and bone loss. As Sclerostin antibody could potentially increase bone formation significantly without effecting bone resorption and enhance bone strength. Thus, sclerostin antibody can potentially alleviate osteoporosis disease, this occurs when bones become fragile and more likely to fracture.

This has been established in numerous clinical trials in rats, monkeys, and in humans. It has been recognized that the absence of the sclerostin protein leads to bone overgrowth. Whereas an excess amount of sclerostin leads to bone loss and reduced bone strength. This was proved in various trials, for instance the trial on a six month old female rats was a success. Once the sclerostin antibody was administered, it quickly created an increase in bone formation on trabecular, periosteal, endocortical, and intracortical surfaces. For the human clinical trials, it was a success in healthy men and postmenopausal women (72 targets), as the antibody was tolerated well, which was the palpable primary goal. Additionally, the targets had augmented bone density for hip fractures and in their spine. Methods to increase bone in humans have long been sought. The bone formation axis controlled by sclerostin may provide an important new strategy to accomplish this. Thus, Sclerostin asserts itself as a prime therapeutic target to address bone disorders. The modification of its activity or expression offers an exciting possibility for the development of new drugs for the treatment of disorders associated with bone loss.

This antibody is for research use only and can be used on the following applications, WB (western blot), IHC-P(immunohistochemistry), and P-ELISA.

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All About Next Generation Sequencing

The field of genetics has witnessed revolutionary new technologies and trends in the last decade. One of the groundbreaking breakthroughs is the next generation sequencing. This technology has equipped the researchers for determining the DNA sequences of entire genomes of bacteria. This has led to the evolution of metagenomics which is a field to study sequencing the genetic makeup for an entire community. Small samples of microbes are extracted and their combined DNA is studied using next generation sequencing.

Inarguably the most significant technological advances in the biotechnology sphere, this technique has allowed experts to simultaneously sequence several genomes in a single instrument in less than two weeks. The targeted methods for DNA enrichment allow higher genome throughput at a much lower cost per sample. The technique is now being implemented in the cancer field to study its genetic aspects. Over the span of a few years only, next generation sequencing has matured to the point where it is being run routinely by the leading laboratories of the world for diagnostic purposes. The main attractions of the technique are the sophisticated sensitivity, the speed and the reduced expenditure per sample.

The next generation sequencing

The experimental samples can be collated from any biotic or abiotic ecosystem such as soil, water etc. They can also be acquired from extreme environments such as arctic or hot springs. These contain millions of microbes and fungi which cohabitate together. The sample is then analysed and then sequencing occurs as per the desired needs.

Next generation sequencing basically deals with the ability to sequence massive DNA templates on parallel basis. These help carry the evolution process from second and third generations form the first generation 'Sanger' sequencing. To achieve this, the second generation platforms deploy amplification by cloning of DNA on a support matrix which is followed by cyclic sequencing. There are numerous benefits of this procedure.

Some of these are:

  • Reduced costs
  • Removal of PCR bias
  • High speed
  • Sensitivity

However, this is to be noted that the technique is still maturing and it is likely to rival the second generation techniques in a few years and enter mainstream medical arena.

The motivators of next generation sequencing

  • Identification of species

One of the main purposes of studying next generation sequencing is to identify species. The technique has eliminated the limit of laboratory by sequencing the bacterial colonies into communal groups. The high end software developments have allowed the processing of sequenced data into individual bacterial genomes and their identification.

  • Provision of simplified understanding of the ecosystem of samples

The metagenomic study has enabled the scientists to gain better insights in the environment of the sustaining bacteria. This gives a better understanding of the physiology and structure of the breeding species. This helps in derivation better results and in depth analysis into the mutual relationship which aids the co-existence of both species.

Thus, next generation sequencing helps in understanding the existence of biospheres. This, in turn helps deduce important information in the field of medicinal biology. With the help of this technique, the scientists are able to develop effective medicines and vaccines for the pathogens. Over time, the technique may even prove valuable in the other bioinformatics fields.

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7 Symptoms of Cancer That Everyone Should Look Out For

Cancer is one of the diseases that have been on the rise in the recent years. There are different types of cancer and this means that their signs and symptoms also vary depending on the area or body part that is prone to the disease. Just like any other disease early detection and diagnosis of cancer can assist in containing the disease in its early stages before spreading to other parts of the body. This is why awareness campaigns are carried out for people to take self tests as well as visit health facilities for them to know early enough whether they could be having a particular type of cancer or not. Here are some of the symptoms that should act as warning signs and which should be cleared by visiting a medical practitioner for verification purposes.

(a) A lump in the breast is one of the signs that women are advised to look at for at all times. This can be detected through self examination at home as long as you know how to do it. Any lump in the body which keeps growing should also be medically examined to rule out any chances of cancer disease.

(b) Persistent cough that lasts for over three weeks should be a reason for concern especially if you are under medication. This can be accompanied by chest pains and breathlessness. Though there are other diseases that exhibit the same signs and symptoms it is better to get thorough check ups

(c) Problems with the bowels should be checked as well especially in situations where there is constant bloating of the stomach, pain in the abdomen, constipation, diarrhea and traces of blood in your stool.

(d) Any signs of bleeding in between your menses for the women should be checked. The same goes for conditions where a person vomits or coughs blood or notices blood in the urine.

(e) Moles of any size should be brought to the attention of a physician who will be able to determine whether it is malignant or not. Do not assume it just because it is not itchy.

(f) If you notice a drastic change in your body weight it is important to ask a professional especially if it is not as a result of the exercise program you just started or stress.

(g) Difficulty in swallowing can be a symptom to other diseases but it should not be ignored because it could also be a sign of GI cancer.

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Surviving the Holidays

Navigating Christmas, New Years and all the festivities they bring with them can be a real challenge during cancer. I thought I would give some general information along with helpful hints and tips with the hope of making your holidays brighter. Much of the information will be a review - but nonetheless information that bears repeating.

It is very important to make simple changes in how you approach the next few weeks. This year IS NOT like all the other years. Be content to accept that - and not be hard on yourself because you do not make all the goodies you usually do OR you don't manage to get the Christmas letter and cards out in time - or at all.

You can make new memories this year! Some of the things you do differently this year may become traditions. Ask your husband, children or friends what one goodie they love the most that you make and then incorporate their help in making it. You will still have the joy of baking and sharing it with those you love without the undo stress and exertion required to make many different recipes. How about sending Christmas e-cards this year? You can take a few moments and design a simple one with a personal message, if you have the software and already know the program or choose a card from one of the free e-card websites. Just type "free e-cards" into your search bar. If these things are just too much for you to handle right now - sit back and learn to delegate duties more and be willing to accept the offers family and friends make to lessen your load physically and mentally.

With all the holiday parties and festivities, be extremely cautious not to compromise your health further when you are around large crowds. The best choice is to stay away from such functions just for this year. Instead, choose a couple of friends to invite in for a cup of hot chocolate and some board games. (Make certain each guest understands they are no longer invited if they develop a cold or come down with the flu.) But, if you must attend a function, take these precautions. Instead of shaking hands simply smile genuinely and verbally tell the person how nice it is to see them - or meet them. If the function is formal - make a beautiful pair of gloves part of your wardrobe for the evening and then you can shake all the hands you want. Use the same hand every time you shake so that you can remove just that one glove when handling food or a beverage or when touching your face in any way. If you are in a group of people you are comfortable with - and who are aware of your cancer journey - you can wear a mask to protect yourself. Have some fun with it if you like and try painting a pair of lips on it. You will find that when others perceive you are OK with your cancer journey they will be much more comfortable and willing to spend time talking with you about what you are experiencing. So, be the life of the party - all the while being cautious.

Finally, do one fun and simple thing you have never done before. That way you will always remember the year you did it, or the first year you did it - if it becomes a tradition.

Carin Hansen was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 40. After a long battle she emerged victorious and began a one-on-one wardrobe and beauty consulting business for other women journeying through cancer. She has been a model, actress, talent agency owner, benefit founder, certified acting/modeling instructor, writer, speaker and passionate cancer advocate. Please visit Carin's website at for information and encouragement that is helpful and hopeFULL. You can purchase a hard copy of her book "A Woman's Cancer Journey Primer" or upload a free PDF on the website also. Check out her other ezine articles and blog.

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Top 5 Anti-Cancer Tips Unveiled: How To Prevent And Fight Cancer

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death today and it consequently brings dread to the heart of the people who are diagnosed with it. This disease generally develops over many years and there are various reasons that increase your risk of getting it. Thankfully, there are quite a few things you could do to prevent and fight cancer, according to current health news. It is an understatement to say that this will save you a great deal of pain and money, and even your life.

The top 5 anti-cancer tips you should follow are:

1. Follow the right diet: Eat dark green vegetables for the magnesium they contain. Magnesium helps prevent cells replicating unnecessarily. Calcium, contained in dairy products, helps prevent the development of certain types of precancerous cells. Fruits and vegetables contain lots of anti-oxidants that help maintain your body's immunity.

2. Stay away from products containing tobacco: Whether you smoke or chew it, tobacco has the ability to irritate the cells of the body that it comes in contact with. There is a strong correlation between tobacco use and cancers of the lung, oral cavity, esophagus and stomach etc.

3. Never neglect any unusual pain or bleeding: Any changes in how the body functions can indicate the presence of cancer. You should get a doctor to examine you in order to eliminate cancer as a possible cause. In fact, if you can detect the cancer as early as possible then you have a good chance of defeating it by starting the best possible treatment protocol.

4. Lose at least 10-15 pounds: This is especially relevant if you are a woman because excess fat cells increase the body's production of female hormones. When the body is loaded with these hormones there is increased risk of getting cervical, breast, ovarian, endometrial or pancreatic cancers. Even men are at greater risk of getting cancer if they are overweight.

5. Reduce your exposure to radiation: Try to avoid getting x-rays and scans unless they are absolutely necessary. You should also avoid talking on your cellphone for extended periods because certain studies indicate that prolonged exposure to microwaves can result in malignant brain tumors.

It is best to maintain a healthy lifestyle in all possible ways because this will reduce your cancer risk. You will also be able to get better results from your cancer treatment if you take good care of your health by eating healthy food and avoiding substances such as alcohol and tobacco.

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Frankincense: Then and NOW

Why Frankincense today?

Today, we know through Chemistry that Frankincense contains sesquiterpenes. Sesquiterpenes are found naturally in plants and insects. Sesquiterpene molecules deliver oxygen molecules to cells, like hemoglobin does in the blood. They can also erase or deprogram miswritten codes in the DNA. They are thought to be especially effective in fighting cancer because the root problem with a cancer cell is that it contains misinformation, so sesquiterpenes can erase that garbled information. At the same time the oxygen carried by sesquiterpene molecules creates an environment where cancer cells can't reproduce.

Hence, sesquiterpenes deliver cancer cells a double punch that disables their coded misbehavior and a second that stops their growth. They are also known to stimulate the part of the brain that controls emotions. It also helps the hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary glands that produce many of the important hormones in our body. Over all it helps strengthen the immune system by increasing leukocyte activity.

What are the benefits of Frankincense?

1. Mood uplifting - Frankincense is very powerful this way. Wear it like a perfume and inhale. Frankincense is a good essential oil to diffuse.

2. Stress Relief - Apply to temples or wear as perfume. Inhale.

3. Frankincense is great for your skin - Frankincense promotes the regeneration of skin and healthy cells. It is an excellent choice for preventing or reducing wrinkles when used topically.

4. Scar Tissue - Frankincense helps fade scars from acne, stretch marks and surgery.

5. Relieves Itching Skin - Apply a couple drops of Frankincense to the itchy area.

6. Relieves Pain - Rub on sore joints to relieve arthritis pain and pain from injuries.

7. Disinfectant for Cuts and Scrapes - Apply a drop of Frankincense to wounds to clean and disinfect.

8. Removes Warts - Apply topically to the wart. Apply a couple times a day until the wart is gone. May take a couple weeks.

9. Reduces Inflammation - Put a few drops in capsule and take internally or apply topically.

10. Strengthens Immune System - Apply to bottom of feet or take in capsule.

11. During Pregnancy and Labor - Apply to lower back to ease pain. It also helps with calming.

12. Insect Bites - Put a drop on an insect bite to help reduce swelling and speed healing.

13. Enhance Visual Acuity - Many have eliminated the need for reading glasses by applying frankincense around the eye area - on the cheek bone and brow bone. Over a period of months, the vision often improves.

Some have even regained the peripheral vision that had been limited. They put one drop of frankincense in the palm, rubbed the palms together, and cupped the palms over open eyes for 3 minutes 2-3 times each day.

(NOTE: This can cause the eyes to water and/or tingle as the molecules of the essential oils disperse.) In addition, remember that the condition did not occur "overnight", and it may take many months before significant improvement is noticed.

14. Improve Concentration - Apply 1-2 drops of on temples and/or back of neck to help improve concentration.

15. Brittle Nails - Apply 1 drop on nails to help strengthen brittle or weak fingernails.

16. Cysts - Apply 1-2 drops on cyst 2 times a day until it disappears.

17. Overall health - Healthy Maintenance. Dilute 1 drop Frankincense oil in 1tsp. honey or 4 oz. rice milk and ingest daily for health maintenance.

18. Cancer - Frankincense is anti-tumoral. Several documented cases.

*Never take essential oils internally unless you are using Young Living Oils. Many oils are adulterated even though labeled 100% PURE. These 18 uses are recommended uses only for Young Living Frankincense Oil.

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Jenifer Lawrence Still

Jenifer Lawrence

Actress in Saree


Sneha T shirt

Sundar C's Aranmanai a summer thrill?

Aranmanai is nearing a wrap up, with 85% of the film already completed. Directed by and starring Sundar C, Aranmanai is touted to be a typical Sundar C entertainer in the thriller genre. Sources close to his team claim that this film would be Sundar C’s third consecutive success following Kalakalappu and Theeya Velai Seiyyanum Kumaru. 


Also starring Vinay, Hansika, Andrea, Lakshmi Rai, Santhanam, Kovai Sarala, Nithin Sathya and Manobala in central roles, the film can either be a February end release or a summer treat, inform our sources.


Another beauty joins Lawrence's Muni 3

Raghava Laurence’s third from the Muni franchise is progressing at a steady pace. The team had to pause the shooting for a few days following Lawrence’s injury. Now that they have resumed the production and we hear that around 70% of the movie has been canned already.

Now to the exciting part... It has been said that another beautiful lady has joined the cast of Muni 3. Actress Nithya Menon, who is expecting her next Tamil release, Malini 22 Palayamkottai, will play an important part in the movie. She is said to feature in an intriguing flash back sequence in the movie. The shoot is presently happening in and around Chennai.

Meanwhile, Muni 3 stars Lawrence, Taapsee, Kovai Sarala and Devadarshini in central roles. Gurudev is cranking the lens and Thaman will take credit for the music. Bellamkonda Suresh is funding the project.


No stopping Vikram Prabhu

With the release of Ivan Veramathiri round the corner, upcoming star Vikram Prabhu spoke to Behindwoods on how he’s been shaping up his career. He says “I started shooting for IVM last October and since then I’ve not wanted to stop shooting because I find it a great learning experience. I’ve been working on Arima Nambi and Sigaram Thodu simultaneously. Arima Nambi is 80% complete while Sigaram Thodu is at the half way mark.”

“We shot in Pune for Arima Nambi and in Rishikesh and Gangotree for Sigaram Thodu, but the film doesn’t have anything to do with the spirituality of the land. The remaining schedules of both the films will be wrapped up here in Chennai.”, said Vikram Prabhu.

Several new projects have claimed association with Vikram Prabhu but their affirmation is yet to materialize. Meanwhile, the young man will be bracing himself for the reception of Ivan Veramathiri which comes out almost exactly after a year since his debut Kumki.


Emma Watson

Naveena Saraswathi Sabatham Review

Naveena Saraswathi Sabatham is the latest flick in the present year made on comedy genre. But the speciality of the latest movie is that it is a message-oriented flick.


The movie stars Jai, whose recent movie Raja Rani has turned out to be superhit flick, in one of the lead roles. The Tamil flick is directed by K Chandru, who had earlier co-written Thamizh Padam with CS Amudhan, and the cast comprises of Sathyan, VTV Ganesh, Manobala, Subbu Panchu and others.


There were reports that Naveena Saraswathi Sabatham is a remake of Hollywood movie Hangover despite movie bosses clarifying about it on the movie trailer.


The four friends played by Jai, VTV Ganesh, Satyan and Rajkumar come to Bangkok to have a bachelor party. They have a party at a cheap nightclub and the next morning when they wake up, the four men are shocked to be in an island. They have not clue how they have been stranded and the real story of the movie begins now.


Who Is The Best Tamil Actor Of 2013? Cast Your Vote


Here, the interesting plot appears with the gods intervention. Lord Shiva is running the show, as he wants to reach the importance of life to the four reckless men.


Audience will have fun looking at our Hindu gods with the lifestyle of modern-day man on earth. We are shown Shiva (Subbu Panchu) and Parvathi (Devadarshini) talking in English. Their younger son Ganesh running on a treadmill to shed weight. Murugan enjoying the game ‘Temple Run on his Ipad. Parvathi is reading an SMS from Narada (Manobala) on an iPhone.



The message that the four men carry to earth after their encounters with the gods is about the ill affects of smoking and drinking. Indeed, the movie turns out to be an anti-liquor flick. The movie lacks logic and the story of the comic sequences are stale.

I Enjoy Doing Glamorous Roles: Pooja Umashankar

Poona Umashankar, who has played roles as diverse as a blind beggar and a biryani shopworker in her career, doesn’t mind looking ugly on screen for the sake of a character. But she says not many actresses are comfortable facing the camera without makeup. “Actresses don’t like to look ugly on screen…they get very conscious without make-up,” Pooja told IANS

“I have always challenged myself with offbeat roles that didn’t require me to look good, therefore, never had a problem looking ugly. Most actresses rely heavily on make-up because they feel audiences won’t accept them without it,” Pooja added.

Pooja also enjoys doing glamorous roles. “I enjoy playing strong character roles, but I enjoy doing glamorous roles even more. In the beginning of my career, I got plenty of opportunities to doll up, but that time I was naive. I wish I get such opportunities now because now I can do it much better,” she added.

She is making a comeback to the industry after four years with forthcoming Tamil thriller Vidiyum Munn, but she doesn’t feel that her absence has impacted her career.

“Cinema has a big heart and there’s enough place for everybody in it. I’m not worried because I have found my feet in this industry and I’m happy about it,” she said.

“Since I’m back, I need to realise what kind of roles suit me now. I have tried my tricks and survived the first few years of my career with roles that didn’t mean much. The offbeat roles gave me more satisfaction than any other roles,” added Pooja, who was busy working in the Sri Lankan film industry while she was away from Tamil cinema.

Soon after her role as a beggar, call it destiny, Pooja landed the role of a princess in a Sinhalese film titled Kusa Pabha. (IANS)


Vidiyum Munn - Tamil Movie Review

We often see movies based on trafficking mainly to show us the way the trade works and to connect with us emotionally. Well, the latest flick on this subject Vidiyum Munn stands quite different by not following the traditional way as it avoids cliches. Newbie Balaji K Kumar presents a well-written suspense thriller that engages its viewers from the word go.


Balaji K Kumar has taken inspiration from Hollywood flick London to Brighton for his debut movie Vidiyum Munn. Like many, the director too fails to give credit to the original version. Nonetheless, he has tweaked the story with all the native sensibilities to cater the local audience. The end result is that the Tamil flick has turned out to be a best crime thrillers in the recent history.


Rekha (Pooja), a prostitute, runs away with 12-year old Nandini (Malavika Manikuttan) after making a big mistake. Pimp played by Amarendran has been given 24-hour deadline to find them out and failing to produce them in the given time may cost his life.



Cast in the same mould of recent thrillers like Pizza and Yuddham Sei, the suspense part in Vidiyum Munn perfectly holds the suspense part to the end. The twist and turns keep you hooked through a minimal characters. Audience will not forget to appreciate the climax and the thrilling parts in the Tamil flick.


Balaji K Kumar brings in his Hollywood experience to his script. The director, who had earlier made English thriller Nine Lives of Mara, gives a presentation that is tried and tested in the west. Well, that doesn’t mean that all is well in Vidiyum Munn. The main problem in the screenplay is the slow narration and the length of the flick is a worrying part as he makes you to sit for above two hours.

Rajini's fans want December 12 declared as 'World Style Day'

Superstar Rajinikanth’s fans in Tirunelveli has appealed to nations around the world to consider declaring 12th December, which is Rajini’s birthday, as the ‘World Style Day’ considering the fact that Rajini has been the indisputable ‘style icon’ of Indian films for more than the past three decades.


Rajini’s is the typical rags-to-riches story as he was working as a bus conductor before coming to Chennai in search of offers in the film industry. Debuting as a character actor in his mentor K. Balachander’s Apoorva Ragangal, Rajini later played villain in a few movies before taking the irreversible route of hero and becoming ‘No.1’.


Rajini’s name is synonymous with his various eye-catching stylish mannerisms such as tossing the cigarette and catching up perfectly between his lips, the way he would adjust his hair, the manner in which he would put on his sun-goggles and the various other acts which only Rajini can conceive and do with aplomb. Rajini’s magnetic voice and his dialogue-delivering style are also unique and earned him millions of fans.


In a poster brought out by fans in Tirunelveli, a plea has been made countries urging them to announce 12th December, the birthday of their darling Rajinikanth, as the ‘World Style Day’. Banu Sekar, secretary of the Rajini fans’ club in Tirunelveli, has said that “It has been the wish of Rajini’s fans everywhere that his birthday should be observed as ‘World Style Day’ as Rajini’s style and mannerisms have earned him fans right from the age group of 6 to 60. The poster is our attempt to realize this dream!”

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