Wednesday, 30 April 2014
அஞ்சான் டைட்டில் லோகோ
அஞ்சான் படத்தின் டைட்டில் லோகோ வெளியிடப்பட்டுள்ளது.
லிங்குசாமி இயக்கத்தில் சூர்யா நடித்து வரும் அஞ்சானின் பர்ஸ்ட்லுக் மே ஒன்று வெளியிடப்படும் என்று அறிவித்தனர். மே 1 அஜீத்தின் பிறந்தநாள் என்பதால் ஒருநாள் முன்னதாக அதாவது 30 -ம் தேதியான இன்று பர்ஸ்ட்லுக்கை வெளியிடுகின்றனர்.
லிங்குசாமி இயக்கத்தில் சூர்யா நடித்து வரும் அஞ்சானின் பர்ஸ்ட்லுக் மே ஒன்று வெளியிடப்படும் என்று அறிவித்தனர். மே 1 அஜீத்தின் பிறந்தநாள் என்பதால் ஒருநாள் முன்னதாக அதாவது 30 -ம் தேதியான இன்று பர்ஸ்ட்லுக்கை வெளியிடுகின்றனர்.
அஞ்சானின் டைட்டில் லோகோவும் வெளியிடப்பட்டுள்ளது. அஞ்சானில் வரும் அ வும்
கடைசி எழுத்து ன்-ம் கண் போன்று டிஸைன் செய்ப்பப்பட்டுள்ளன. அஞ்சானில்
சமந்தா ஹீரோயின். யுவன் இசையமைக்க சந்தோஷ் சிவன் ஒளிப்பதிவு செய்துள்ளார்.
திருப்பதி பிரதர்ஸ் தயாரித்திருக்கும் இப்படம் சுதந்திரத்தினத்தில் வெளியாகிறது.
Saturday, 26 April 2014
My 10 Suppressed Natural Cancer Cures
As I have been saying in previous articles the
medical/pharmaceutical owned and controlled cancer establishment do not
want you to know that ever since time immemorial there has been cheap,
natural and non-toxic cures for cancer.
If any of these non-patentable cures were allowed to be known to the public at large then, as a result, they would seriously undercut the medical/pharmaceutical owned and controlled cancer establishment's business. So, whether it has been through making these successful alternative cures with their related practitioners illegal or paying off the mainstream media to blackout, ignore or ridicule, even when knowing they do in effect cure cancer, the establishment have shown that money is more important to them than truth.
The establishment's treatment of cancer: chemotherapy, radiation and surgery largely achieve poor results and cancer is therefore only a major life-threatening illness because of the suppression of the highly effective cheap, natural and non-toxic cures.
So here's my list of 10 suppressed natural cancer cures. Indeed, this is not an exhaustive account and you may know others. Either way I encourage you to do your own research but beware of the deliberate misinformation media sources with their weak arguments and purposely left out relevant information to make the case against cheap, natural and non-toxic alternative cures look stronger or plausible. Some of them are secretly cancer establishment sponsored!
1. Royal (William) Rife's Cancer Machine
In the 1930's California microbiologist Royal Rife after many years put together a 'universal microscope' basically designed to focus on cancer cells by identifying their wave frequency of vibration being different to normal cells... The universal microscope could then be used to send beams of a specific frequency from a ray tube which zapped and killed the cancer cells. This Rife called the mortal oscillatory rate which was very successful in destroying cancer in patients. So successful, in fact, Rife's machine cured 16 out of 16 cancer patients and some had been hopeless cases.
However, into the 1940's and 50's well into the manufacture of the cancer machines, having established treatment clinics, Rife found himself caught up in a legal wrangle with the establishment's big boys such as the American Medical Association. In spite of Rife winning court cases... his equipment was finally laid to rest, seized by the authorities for illegal alternative practices in medicine.
2. Laetrile Cancer Treatment
Ernest Krebs learned that the isolated indigenous Hunsas people living at the foot of the Himalayas lived to very high ages before death. He found that apricot kernels was very much used in their diet, containing high vitamin B17 levels, which he theorised was responsible for contributing to no cancer recorded in this area. He made a refined (distilled) version of vitamin B17 and called it laetrile. It was found that laetrile or B17 destroyed the enzyme beta-glycosidase in the cancer cell's metabolic pathway and thus could cure cancer when using it as a therapy.
Bad science (deliberate?), politics, corporate greed and adverse publicity basically destroyed this great discovery from getting deserved recognition at large...
3. Harry Hoxey's Herbal Remedies
Successful businessman Harry Hoxey after curing his horse with cancer used the same paste-applied herbal remedy on people. His herbal formula had achieved 80% success over 80 years. In the 1960's his clinic in Texas was shut down for illegal practices... All for curing people of cancer. A former nurse working with Hoxey's remedy took the treatment to Mexico which still survives today.
4. Metabolic Nutritional Therapy
This is the idea that certain anti-cancer foods can be used as a strict dietary regime. Again this has been highly successful but the cancer establishment seldom mention nutrition: No money to be made there...
5. Gerson Therapy
This follows on from 4 in the respects that it is a form of metabolic nutritional therapy, using body detoxification to assist in the process. Gerson therapy originally devised by Max Gerson was fully recognised in congress from hearings in the 1920's but was later struck of the record. One can only assume because of the threat it posed to undercutting the medical/pharmaceutical's businesses and less governmental revenues... if got to the public at large.
6. Otto Warburg Oxygen Therapy
Another great individual with his pioneering work in the 1930's was biochemist Otto Warburg. He was unjustly ridiculed by the establishment for coming up with the finding that oxygen is an environment that cancer cells don't like. Warburg said that cancer cells manifest in an oxygen deprived environment. Why do you think you never hear of cancer of the heart? It's because the heart contains oxygen rich blood... This has been ignored by the establishment.
7. John Baird Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy
At the turn of the 20th century Scottish doctor Baird noticed that during early foetal development the mother's placental cells behave like cancer cells in that they show rapid growth. By pregnancy day 56, when the foetus has formed its pancreas, it produces pancreatic enzymes that switch off this rapid growth. So basically Baird theorised, given that these placental cells behave like cancer cells in that they exhibit rapid growth, like the foetal cells, could the cancer cells be switched off by pancreatic enzymes? The answer is yes! Yes, cancer could be successfully treated using pancreatic enzymes. However, in spite of its success, the treatment was laid to rest invalidated and radiation therapy was chosen by the establishment instead...
8. Tullio Simoncini Cancer Therapy
Brilliant tenacious Italian doctor Tullio Simoncini has been subjected to huge pressures from the establishment to succumb: In spite of the ridicule and attempts at legal action he continues his work today focussing on treating cancer as a fungus called Candida resulting from a poor immune system. Simoncini found that antifungal treatment did not work. The solution was not only cheap but simple. He gave patients sodium bicarbonate internally through an endoscope (tube). This allows the bicarbonate to go directly to the cancer. As mentioned above this great cancer breakthrough has however been largely ignored by the cancer establishment.
9. Stanislaw Burzynski Antineoplastons
There is a movie available to see on U-Tube called "Cancer Is a Serious Business." This award winning scandalous true story movie made my cry. It shows how a medical man &biochemist Dr Stanislaw Burzynski discovered a cancer cure using gene therapy, but had to deal with the mite of the American Food and Drug Administration who tried to criminalise him for his practices. A 14 year 60 million dollar US tax payer's money legal battle ensued... The fact that he had help saved many lives, curing sometimes even hopeless cancer cases was never the issue! The real issue was the fact that Dr Burzynski was undercutting the cancer establishment's business...
10. Anti-Oxidants
The late great scientist twice Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling was turned down when he tried to get funding with his colleagues for further research on vitamin C and its role in fighting cancer: He found that leukaemia sufferers had low levels of vitamin C. When these sufferers were given frequently high doses of vitamin C they went into remission (recovery)... Pauling also discovered that frequent vitamin C high dosing stops the migratory pathways that cancer cells use to metastasise (spread). It is inconceivable to me that this could be ignored but has been (and still is).
In summary
The above clearly shows that the medical/pharmaceutical establishment has the upper hand in controlling cancer. Power, political gain and profit are indeed the ulterior motives. I would encourage the reader to do his/her own study and learn to discern: For example, look at the mass media reports on cancer and ask yourself does this have vested interest. Ask yourself who stands to gain..?
If any of these non-patentable cures were allowed to be known to the public at large then, as a result, they would seriously undercut the medical/pharmaceutical owned and controlled cancer establishment's business. So, whether it has been through making these successful alternative cures with their related practitioners illegal or paying off the mainstream media to blackout, ignore or ridicule, even when knowing they do in effect cure cancer, the establishment have shown that money is more important to them than truth.
The establishment's treatment of cancer: chemotherapy, radiation and surgery largely achieve poor results and cancer is therefore only a major life-threatening illness because of the suppression of the highly effective cheap, natural and non-toxic cures.
So here's my list of 10 suppressed natural cancer cures. Indeed, this is not an exhaustive account and you may know others. Either way I encourage you to do your own research but beware of the deliberate misinformation media sources with their weak arguments and purposely left out relevant information to make the case against cheap, natural and non-toxic alternative cures look stronger or plausible. Some of them are secretly cancer establishment sponsored!
1. Royal (William) Rife's Cancer Machine
In the 1930's California microbiologist Royal Rife after many years put together a 'universal microscope' basically designed to focus on cancer cells by identifying their wave frequency of vibration being different to normal cells... The universal microscope could then be used to send beams of a specific frequency from a ray tube which zapped and killed the cancer cells. This Rife called the mortal oscillatory rate which was very successful in destroying cancer in patients. So successful, in fact, Rife's machine cured 16 out of 16 cancer patients and some had been hopeless cases.
However, into the 1940's and 50's well into the manufacture of the cancer machines, having established treatment clinics, Rife found himself caught up in a legal wrangle with the establishment's big boys such as the American Medical Association. In spite of Rife winning court cases... his equipment was finally laid to rest, seized by the authorities for illegal alternative practices in medicine.
2. Laetrile Cancer Treatment
Ernest Krebs learned that the isolated indigenous Hunsas people living at the foot of the Himalayas lived to very high ages before death. He found that apricot kernels was very much used in their diet, containing high vitamin B17 levels, which he theorised was responsible for contributing to no cancer recorded in this area. He made a refined (distilled) version of vitamin B17 and called it laetrile. It was found that laetrile or B17 destroyed the enzyme beta-glycosidase in the cancer cell's metabolic pathway and thus could cure cancer when using it as a therapy.
Bad science (deliberate?), politics, corporate greed and adverse publicity basically destroyed this great discovery from getting deserved recognition at large...
3. Harry Hoxey's Herbal Remedies
Successful businessman Harry Hoxey after curing his horse with cancer used the same paste-applied herbal remedy on people. His herbal formula had achieved 80% success over 80 years. In the 1960's his clinic in Texas was shut down for illegal practices... All for curing people of cancer. A former nurse working with Hoxey's remedy took the treatment to Mexico which still survives today.
4. Metabolic Nutritional Therapy
This is the idea that certain anti-cancer foods can be used as a strict dietary regime. Again this has been highly successful but the cancer establishment seldom mention nutrition: No money to be made there...
5. Gerson Therapy
This follows on from 4 in the respects that it is a form of metabolic nutritional therapy, using body detoxification to assist in the process. Gerson therapy originally devised by Max Gerson was fully recognised in congress from hearings in the 1920's but was later struck of the record. One can only assume because of the threat it posed to undercutting the medical/pharmaceutical's businesses and less governmental revenues... if got to the public at large.
6. Otto Warburg Oxygen Therapy
Another great individual with his pioneering work in the 1930's was biochemist Otto Warburg. He was unjustly ridiculed by the establishment for coming up with the finding that oxygen is an environment that cancer cells don't like. Warburg said that cancer cells manifest in an oxygen deprived environment. Why do you think you never hear of cancer of the heart? It's because the heart contains oxygen rich blood... This has been ignored by the establishment.
7. John Baird Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy
At the turn of the 20th century Scottish doctor Baird noticed that during early foetal development the mother's placental cells behave like cancer cells in that they show rapid growth. By pregnancy day 56, when the foetus has formed its pancreas, it produces pancreatic enzymes that switch off this rapid growth. So basically Baird theorised, given that these placental cells behave like cancer cells in that they exhibit rapid growth, like the foetal cells, could the cancer cells be switched off by pancreatic enzymes? The answer is yes! Yes, cancer could be successfully treated using pancreatic enzymes. However, in spite of its success, the treatment was laid to rest invalidated and radiation therapy was chosen by the establishment instead...
8. Tullio Simoncini Cancer Therapy
Brilliant tenacious Italian doctor Tullio Simoncini has been subjected to huge pressures from the establishment to succumb: In spite of the ridicule and attempts at legal action he continues his work today focussing on treating cancer as a fungus called Candida resulting from a poor immune system. Simoncini found that antifungal treatment did not work. The solution was not only cheap but simple. He gave patients sodium bicarbonate internally through an endoscope (tube). This allows the bicarbonate to go directly to the cancer. As mentioned above this great cancer breakthrough has however been largely ignored by the cancer establishment.
9. Stanislaw Burzynski Antineoplastons
There is a movie available to see on U-Tube called "Cancer Is a Serious Business." This award winning scandalous true story movie made my cry. It shows how a medical man &biochemist Dr Stanislaw Burzynski discovered a cancer cure using gene therapy, but had to deal with the mite of the American Food and Drug Administration who tried to criminalise him for his practices. A 14 year 60 million dollar US tax payer's money legal battle ensued... The fact that he had help saved many lives, curing sometimes even hopeless cancer cases was never the issue! The real issue was the fact that Dr Burzynski was undercutting the cancer establishment's business...
10. Anti-Oxidants
The late great scientist twice Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling was turned down when he tried to get funding with his colleagues for further research on vitamin C and its role in fighting cancer: He found that leukaemia sufferers had low levels of vitamin C. When these sufferers were given frequently high doses of vitamin C they went into remission (recovery)... Pauling also discovered that frequent vitamin C high dosing stops the migratory pathways that cancer cells use to metastasise (spread). It is inconceivable to me that this could be ignored but has been (and still is).
In summary
The above clearly shows that the medical/pharmaceutical establishment has the upper hand in controlling cancer. Power, political gain and profit are indeed the ulterior motives. I would encourage the reader to do his/her own study and learn to discern: For example, look at the mass media reports on cancer and ask yourself does this have vested interest. Ask yourself who stands to gain..?
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8404608
Energize Your Soul
That word alone makes my stomach queasy. That word makes me tense. Sad. Angry. Scared. Confused.
After numerous years of battling different types of cancers my Dad was informed he has another. This time there is nothing the docs can do but they would appreciate it if they could study him and his health while he's alive and fighting. Nice, eh?
You see, I have very few hero's in my life - in fact, there are three. One of them is obviously my Dad. After years of health ailments, pain, early forced retirement, more pain, more health aliments; my Dad has never wavered in his desire to live. His desire to fight.
Until recently, there was much talk about years down the road (we've always been positive regardless of the curve-balls thrown). Recently, it hit me like five thousands bricks landing on my baby toe that my Dad doesn't have much fight left in him. He has several other health complications as well as the cancerous cells multiplying rapidly in his body.
You see, when you have a parent who is sick for so long you become unattached to the possibility of death. ICU rooms, blood transfusions, surgery complications and fixes have been my life since I was young. It's all I've really know when it comes to my Dad. Sad but true (not copying Metallica words!)
Then it hit me - my Dad was not going to live forever. I have struggled and cried, and clenched my teeth.
I have hugged and kissed him. I have squeezed my boy; the only grandchild my Dad has. I have taken comfort in a dear loved one. I have accepted that eventually, my Dad's fight with cancer will be over. His story will never end. Never.
When, I do not know. I choose to live moment to moment, day by day. I've told him how deep my love for him runs. I've told him the positive and optimistic me is hurting. I've told him he has been the most incredible male influence in my life; entirely.
I've laughed with him and relived several hilarious moments from my childhood. I've thanked him. I've forgiven him. I've sat in silence with him. I have even asked him if the tumors hurt. He has answered courageously and honestly every.single.time.
Cancer; you may be vicious but you can't fool me. You prey on the strong. You destroy on your timeline. You provide moments of conversations that people never ever want to have. You are a disease - but we can still choose. Cancer; you've got nothing on my Dad. Cancer, you've got nothing on me.
If you or a loved one is battling cancer; reach out I would love to hear from you.
I work with cancer patients in counselling/coaching sessions. I work with their family and friends. I am using these years knowing cancer vicariously to help others heal.
We all have a choice; I'm choosing gratefulness.
I have become all that I am because of what has happened to me. I choose acceptance and release the anger; the questions, the pain of not understanding and accept that all things happen for reasons.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8429906
That word alone makes my stomach queasy. That word makes me tense. Sad. Angry. Scared. Confused.
After numerous years of battling different types of cancers my Dad was informed he has another. This time there is nothing the docs can do but they would appreciate it if they could study him and his health while he's alive and fighting. Nice, eh?
You see, I have very few hero's in my life - in fact, there are three. One of them is obviously my Dad. After years of health ailments, pain, early forced retirement, more pain, more health aliments; my Dad has never wavered in his desire to live. His desire to fight.
Until recently, there was much talk about years down the road (we've always been positive regardless of the curve-balls thrown). Recently, it hit me like five thousands bricks landing on my baby toe that my Dad doesn't have much fight left in him. He has several other health complications as well as the cancerous cells multiplying rapidly in his body.
You see, when you have a parent who is sick for so long you become unattached to the possibility of death. ICU rooms, blood transfusions, surgery complications and fixes have been my life since I was young. It's all I've really know when it comes to my Dad. Sad but true (not copying Metallica words!)
Then it hit me - my Dad was not going to live forever. I have struggled and cried, and clenched my teeth.
I have hugged and kissed him. I have squeezed my boy; the only grandchild my Dad has. I have taken comfort in a dear loved one. I have accepted that eventually, my Dad's fight with cancer will be over. His story will never end. Never.
When, I do not know. I choose to live moment to moment, day by day. I've told him how deep my love for him runs. I've told him the positive and optimistic me is hurting. I've told him he has been the most incredible male influence in my life; entirely.
I've laughed with him and relived several hilarious moments from my childhood. I've thanked him. I've forgiven him. I've sat in silence with him. I have even asked him if the tumors hurt. He has answered courageously and honestly every.single.time.
Cancer; you may be vicious but you can't fool me. You prey on the strong. You destroy on your timeline. You provide moments of conversations that people never ever want to have. You are a disease - but we can still choose. Cancer; you've got nothing on my Dad. Cancer, you've got nothing on me.
If you or a loved one is battling cancer; reach out I would love to hear from you.
I work with cancer patients in counselling/coaching sessions. I work with their family and friends. I am using these years knowing cancer vicariously to help others heal.
We all have a choice; I'm choosing gratefulness.
I have become all that I am because of what has happened to me. I choose acceptance and release the anger; the questions, the pain of not understanding and accept that all things happen for reasons.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8429906
Mesothelioma Law Firm
There are very many mesothelioma law firms around and the main
reason why they specialize in these particular cases is the huge return
the cases can fetch. Others might be genuinely out there for the
compassion of mesothelioma victims but, they are limited. Firstly
though, mesothelioma is a cancer that affects the protective lining of
the heart, lungs and abdomen. The known cause of mesothelioma is
asbestos exposure. This is a natural mineral that has very many
industrial uses mainly because of its heat and fire resistant qualities.
It is known to lodge in the system when inhaled where it can stay there
for many years where finally it causes the emergence of a disease. It
has no scent and its fibers in the air are microscopic. Therefore
mesothelioma law firms are relevant in the following way.
Firstly, the companies that employ workers to work exposed to asbestos have a case to answer because they have a moral duty to inform workers. They are therefore directly responsible for the illness in their worker. When a mesothelioma victim decides to file a suit against the company, they need to have the representation of good lawyers who can be found in a good mesothelioma law firm. Some of the workers who might be at risk to asbestos exposure include miners, millers, shipyard workers, building construction workers and others. With the serious realization of the dangers posed by asbestos, strict legislation have been put in place to ban certain types of asbestos and also there are restrictions on the amount of asbestos exposed to workers.
Also, workers who are close to asbestos have protective cloths and equipment to protect then from the substance. When they leave work, most workers take a shower and change cloths to avoid contaminating their families. When you suspect that you might be suffering from mesothelioma, you need to visit a doctor for a diagnosis. If you have the disease, you need to take time and look for a reputable mesothelioma law firm which will have good lawyers. They should have some experience in this kinds of cases. They should not live very far from where you are located so that you can reach them with minimal cost. The mesothelioma law firm should be legal and licensed to practice law in your particular state or country. They should give you more information on the cases they have been able to resolve.
On the internet, you will find very many mesothelioma law firms advertising themselves and you should not just take them at face value. You need to contact them and visit their offices to get a first hand feel of what they are all about. Many firms will be literally fighting for your case and you do not have to hire the ones who are first make a perfect pitch. Firstly, you need to know that they can represent you and win the case. You should discuss on the attorney fee before you hire the lawyer from the law firms. Usually, the most common way of payment is through a contingency basis and this means that they will be paid when you win the case. There is no doubt that with the right lawyers on your side, you are certain to get your deserved justice will be served.
Firstly, the companies that employ workers to work exposed to asbestos have a case to answer because they have a moral duty to inform workers. They are therefore directly responsible for the illness in their worker. When a mesothelioma victim decides to file a suit against the company, they need to have the representation of good lawyers who can be found in a good mesothelioma law firm. Some of the workers who might be at risk to asbestos exposure include miners, millers, shipyard workers, building construction workers and others. With the serious realization of the dangers posed by asbestos, strict legislation have been put in place to ban certain types of asbestos and also there are restrictions on the amount of asbestos exposed to workers.
Also, workers who are close to asbestos have protective cloths and equipment to protect then from the substance. When they leave work, most workers take a shower and change cloths to avoid contaminating their families. When you suspect that you might be suffering from mesothelioma, you need to visit a doctor for a diagnosis. If you have the disease, you need to take time and look for a reputable mesothelioma law firm which will have good lawyers. They should have some experience in this kinds of cases. They should not live very far from where you are located so that you can reach them with minimal cost. The mesothelioma law firm should be legal and licensed to practice law in your particular state or country. They should give you more information on the cases they have been able to resolve.
On the internet, you will find very many mesothelioma law firms advertising themselves and you should not just take them at face value. You need to contact them and visit their offices to get a first hand feel of what they are all about. Many firms will be literally fighting for your case and you do not have to hire the ones who are first make a perfect pitch. Firstly, you need to know that they can represent you and win the case. You should discuss on the attorney fee before you hire the lawyer from the law firms. Usually, the most common way of payment is through a contingency basis and this means that they will be paid when you win the case. There is no doubt that with the right lawyers on your side, you are certain to get your deserved justice will be served.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1267753
The End of the U.S. Dollar: 7 Reasons Why You Should Start Investing in Precious Metals Today
Financial security is not guaranteed in today's world. With the
U.S. dollar in serious jeopardy of losing its position as the world's
reserve currency, Americans should begin to focus on safer investment
strategies. According to well-known financial investor and author of the
international best seller, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, there
is one option that offers the best chance of financial success.
Investing in rare metals, particularly gold and silver, is essential for
anyone looking to protect their nest egg, as well as increase its
worth. Let's examine seven reasons why you should start investing in
precious metals today.
1) There is no doubt that the value of the U.S. dollar will depreciate when its reign as the world reserve currency is over.
As a result, inflation will occur resulting in higher prices on consumer goods, as well as a reduction in the value of certain stocks, diminished income from interest-bearing securities, and much more. In the past, bond values were the most severely effected by inflation. Keep in mind that even cash invested in the most conservative manner or stored in a vault is at risk due to the consistent erosion of purchasing power that results from inflation.
2) Gold, and other noble metals, are known for holding their value, but the supply is limited.
Gold has done the one thing that paper money has never been able to do. Although the price of gold tends to be volatile, it has not only been able to hold its value over time, but it has also seen an increase in its overall value. You also should keep in mind that gold is a natural element and cannot be man made. While gold miners continue to search for gold, it is becoming increasingly hard to find. As with almost anything, a lack in the supply of gold will drive its price and value up. Now is certainly the time to buy based on historical trends. In the past, the price of gold has dramatically increased during periods of inflation.
3) All indications point to a significant in demand for rare metals in the next few years.
Many native metals, especially silver, are frequently used in numerous industries. In fact, 75% of the silver that is mined is sold for industrial uses. According to The Silver Institute, there will be a 36% increase in the demand of silver for industrial purposes by 2016. Robert Kiyosaki has stated that silver may prove to be more valuable than gold in the future because of this fact. Platinum is also expected to rise in value because it is in high demand, but it is extremely difficult to find.
4) Precious metals are essentially immune to effects of inflation.
Gold, silver, palladium, platinum, and other precious metals have intrinsic value that other investment options cannot match. In simple terms, they will always have a value, though this amount will fluctuate. This makes them a safe investment choice.
5) When situations get tough, precious metals can be used for bartering.
While you may have huge amounts of paper money, its value can be reduced down to nothing during long periods of inflation. This is not the case with precious metals. They are tangible items that will always be in demand. As a result of their guaranteed value, you can be certain that they will be accepted as a form of payment even under the direst of circumstances.
6) Base metals offer liquidity that other investment options are not able to.
Due to be being such valuable commodities, precious metals, particularly gold and silver, are extremely liquid assets. Consider the following. If you were to find yourself in a situation where you needed money immediately, selling your precious metals give you the ability to get the money you need any time of day. Numerous reputable websites purchase gold, silver, platinum, and more 24/7 over the internet. There is no other form of investment that comes close to offering immediate liquidity.
7) Simply put, owning precious metals is the best way to safeguard your wealth.
There will always be a market for precious metals guaranteeing that they always have value. There is not another investment opportunity that provides this level of financial security. There is no doubt that investing in precious metals gives you the financial freedom that is absolutely necessary as we await the end of the U.S. dollar. Now, the only question is why you haven't starting researching your buying options.
Article Source:
1) There is no doubt that the value of the U.S. dollar will depreciate when its reign as the world reserve currency is over.
As a result, inflation will occur resulting in higher prices on consumer goods, as well as a reduction in the value of certain stocks, diminished income from interest-bearing securities, and much more. In the past, bond values were the most severely effected by inflation. Keep in mind that even cash invested in the most conservative manner or stored in a vault is at risk due to the consistent erosion of purchasing power that results from inflation.
2) Gold, and other noble metals, are known for holding their value, but the supply is limited.
Gold has done the one thing that paper money has never been able to do. Although the price of gold tends to be volatile, it has not only been able to hold its value over time, but it has also seen an increase in its overall value. You also should keep in mind that gold is a natural element and cannot be man made. While gold miners continue to search for gold, it is becoming increasingly hard to find. As with almost anything, a lack in the supply of gold will drive its price and value up. Now is certainly the time to buy based on historical trends. In the past, the price of gold has dramatically increased during periods of inflation.
3) All indications point to a significant in demand for rare metals in the next few years.
Many native metals, especially silver, are frequently used in numerous industries. In fact, 75% of the silver that is mined is sold for industrial uses. According to The Silver Institute, there will be a 36% increase in the demand of silver for industrial purposes by 2016. Robert Kiyosaki has stated that silver may prove to be more valuable than gold in the future because of this fact. Platinum is also expected to rise in value because it is in high demand, but it is extremely difficult to find.
4) Precious metals are essentially immune to effects of inflation.
Gold, silver, palladium, platinum, and other precious metals have intrinsic value that other investment options cannot match. In simple terms, they will always have a value, though this amount will fluctuate. This makes them a safe investment choice.
5) When situations get tough, precious metals can be used for bartering.
While you may have huge amounts of paper money, its value can be reduced down to nothing during long periods of inflation. This is not the case with precious metals. They are tangible items that will always be in demand. As a result of their guaranteed value, you can be certain that they will be accepted as a form of payment even under the direst of circumstances.
6) Base metals offer liquidity that other investment options are not able to.
Due to be being such valuable commodities, precious metals, particularly gold and silver, are extremely liquid assets. Consider the following. If you were to find yourself in a situation where you needed money immediately, selling your precious metals give you the ability to get the money you need any time of day. Numerous reputable websites purchase gold, silver, platinum, and more 24/7 over the internet. There is no other form of investment that comes close to offering immediate liquidity.
7) Simply put, owning precious metals is the best way to safeguard your wealth.
There will always be a market for precious metals guaranteeing that they always have value. There is not another investment opportunity that provides this level of financial security. There is no doubt that investing in precious metals gives you the financial freedom that is absolutely necessary as we await the end of the U.S. dollar. Now, the only question is why you haven't starting researching your buying options.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8464648
Thursday, 17 April 2014
History of the Camera
Early cameras of the 16th and 17th century were able to project
images onto paper or glass but the study of capturing, processing and
printing the images took many more years. Up until the 17th century,
scientists believed that light was composed basically of the 'white'
that is perceived by the human eye. It took the research done by famous
physicist Isaac Newton to discover that light is actually composed of a
spectrum of colors. While he made a big contribution to the study of
optics (that is at the core of camera advances) with this discovery,
Newton did not actually have anything to do with camera development per
The early camera that first became a phenomenon was a little more than a pinhole camera and can be traced back to 1558. It was called the Camera Obscura. The Camera Obscura was seen as a drawing tool for a clearer and realistic portrayal of objects. It was in the early 19th century that an invention named the Camera Lucida was introduced by Cambridge scientist William Hyde Wollaston that consisted of an optical device that could help an artist view a distant scene or person or object on a paper surface that he or she was using to draw. In other words the artist gets to view a superimposed image of a subject on paper and this image could be effectively used to attempt to draw, trace or paint it. Both the Camera Obscura and the Camera Lucida provided an image that was temporary, which could not be lastingly captured on to paper for later reference.
Studies however continued well into the 1800's on how to actually capture the image onto material. It was during this time, around 1822 that French researcher Joseph Nicephore Niepce, created the first photograph by using paper that was coated with a chemical. The image would not stay permanently on the paper and would disappear after a short while. Even so, despite the short-lived nature of the image, the concept of photography was born with this experiment and paved the way for further study and development in this field.
Capturing images to retain them longer and permanently became the next big quest for researchers. Another Frenchman Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre partnered with Joseph Nicéphore Niépce in 1829, to develop the process of creating permanent photographs. Joseph Niépce died in 1833 but Daguerre continued with the work and succeeded in 1837 after many long years of experimentation. The process of capturing photographic images that would not fade away, introduced by Daguerre came to be known as the 'daguerreotype'.
The word 'photography' was coined by scientist Sir John F.W. Herschel in 1839 and it is actually is derived from two Greek words 'photos' meaning light and 'graphein' meaning draw.
A slightly more advanced version of the daguerreotype called the Calotype process that makes multiple copies possible using the negative and positive method became available very soon after. In fact, it was during the 1840's that the use of photographic images in advertisements first started and cameras made their mark on the power of visual communication. It was not much later, in the 1850's that photographers first started experimenting with underwater photography of seascapes.
Up until 1850, the process of capturing images was cumbersome requiring upto half an hour of light exposure. The discovery made in 1851 by Frederick Scott Archer was a blessing since the new method termed the Collodion process called for just 2-3 seconds of light exposure to capture an image.
Prior to 1871, photographers went through a development process where they had to coat the plate with wet chemical each and every time and process the image immediately. With the invention the gelatin dry plate silver bromide process by Richard Leach Maddox, negatives did not have to be developed immediately. This was an important discovery since up until then the captured image had to be processed instantly.
Kodak created in 1888 by George Eastman has been a modern day pioneer of sorts in cameras and photography for the masses. George Eastman and the scientists who worked with him at Kodak developed the photographic film in 1889 and made it available in rolls for the mass use of consumers. An important milestone in our entertainment and communication history was the development of transparent roll film by Eastman. This development led to another key invention - the motion picture camera by Thomas Edison's in 1891.
-->Modern Times
During the 20th century the pace of technology development in cameras and photography continued at an accelerated pace much like many other key technology developments. While several key inventions like car, telephone and the gramophone record happened in the later half of the 19th century, it is the last 100 years that saw major developmental work in many areas of communications technology and as well as in other fields - TV, aircrafts, PCs, digital technology, digital cameras, mobile phones, fax machines and the internet, to name a few.
In the case of the camera, the developments simplified the whole process of photography, making it accessible to one and all at affordable prices and the camera industry denizens of our times made it into a mass phenomenon. The first mass use camera became available at the turn of the 20th century and can be traced back to the year 1900. There are hundreds of models of cameras available today both for the amateur as well as the professional and the camera is an important part of any family's repertoire of must have gadgets.
-->20th century chronology in the history of the camera:
1913: 35 mm still-camera created
1927: The flash bulb introduced by General Electric Co. (The concept of camera flash existed much before but was based on the use of a flash light powder that was invented by German researchers)
1935- 1941: Kodak starts marketing Kodachrome film and subsequently launches Kodacolor negative film. Canon released the Hansa Canon in 1936, the first 35mm focal-plane shutter camera.
1948: The concept of the Polaroid camera is introduced in the market. American scientist Edwin Land developed the process for instant photography. Later Polaroid Corporation developed the 'instant color' film around 1963.
1957: Frenchman Jaques Yves Cousteau invented the first waterproof 35mm camera for underwater photography named the Calypso Phot. The actual camera was developed by the Belgian airplane technical designer Jean de Wouters based on the blueprint and suggestions given to him by Cousteau.
1972: The electronic camera that does not require film was created and patented by Texas Instruments. This is however not the same as a digital camera though you don't require film in digital cameras as well. The launch of the digital camera is still many years away.
1975: Kodak's experiments with digital imaging kicked off around the mid seventies but it will take another 20 years before a digital camera for the home consumer market is launched.
1978 - 1980: Asian players like Konica and Sony begin to make their mark. The 'point and shoot' automatic focus camera is launched by Konica while Sony starts talking about the camcorder and demonstrates a prototype.
1981: Sony launches a commercially available electronic still camera. Similar to the 1972 invention by Texas Instruments, the Sony electronic camera came with a mini disc on which images were recorded and stored. The recorded images could be later printed or viewed on a monitor using a reader device.
1985: Digital processing technology makes its entry. Digital imaging and processing is introduced by Pixar.
1986: The camera industry becomes even more consumer focused and taps the fun and travel connotations behind camera usage, with the launch of the concept of the disposable single use cameras. Fuji is credited with the development of this concept.
Also in 1986 - 1987, Kodak started taking giant strides in digital development. Digital means, the photographic image is divided into tiny units of dots or squares known as pixels. Pixels are the programmable units of an image that can be processed by computers. Each image could be made up of millions of pixels. The use of pixels in digital technology allows storing large volumes of pixels to deliver high definition print quality.
1990: Kodak introduces Photo CD's. It is a system of storing photographic images on CD and then viewing them on a computer. With this development the user-friendly approach of the camera industry began to take concrete shape.
1991: Kodak introduces a digital camera targeted at professionals and journalists. Kodak is credited with the invention of a pixel based camera technology known to us as the digital camera. Digital cameras don't use film similar to their predecessor electronic cameras but the storage method is entirely different and the final photograph is of much higher resolution. In a digital camera photos are recorded and stored in digital form. This digital data can be transferred to a computer and processed for printing. Kodak and Canon are well known digital camera manufacturers and there are also several other key brands as well.
1994: The Apple QuickTake camera, a home use digital camera is launched. This is followed by the launch of a clutch of home use digital cameras by Casio, Kodak and others in quick succession during 1995 -'96.
-->The digital era:
The development of digital camera technology is considered to be linked to the development of TV and Video technology. The principles of transmission and recording of audio-visual images using digital electrical impulses finds use in camera imaging as well.
Through the 1990's the developments continued in camera technology, the focus now shifting to the field of digital imaging which is where the future lies. Use-friendly features like software that can download digital images directly from camera onto home computers for storing and sharing on the internet is the new norm in the market place.
The camera, the computer, the software industry and the worldwide web are today irrevocably interlinked to empower the user in experiencing the benefits of camera usage to full potential. The innovation that sparked many an invention in the camera industry found its way into the digital world as well and continued among digital camera manufacturers. During 2001, the Kodak and Microsoft partnership ensured that digital camera manufacturers could use the power of Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP) standard through Windows. The digital photo experience is a key visual driver in the Internet era. Many of Kodak digital camera models with EasyShare capabilities are compatible with Windows XP. The Kodak EasyShare software enables users to transfer digital camera pictures directly from camera to their computers and then print the pictures or even email them.
Manufacturers in a related industry like the printing industry have adapted their products to be in sync with the images created by digital cameras. Cell phone manufacturers have tied up with digital camera manufacturers to develop new age camera phones in recent years. These camera phones can capture images and share the images through the cell phone.
Among the 21st century digital developments are the advanced product offerings from digital cameras manufacturers and these are sure to occupy an important place in the ensuing history of camera development. For instance, the Kodak Professional DCS Pro SLR/c is a high-end digital camera and the Kodak website calls the DCS Pro SLR models the most feature-rich digital cameras on the market. It has an image sensor that can handle 13.89 million pixels and this makes it the highest resolution digital camera available. High resolution determines the sharpness or level of detail in photographic images. This is just a glimpse of the capabilities that digital technology places in a user's hands. Digital camera sales figures for 2003 show that the two key players Kodak and Canon have recorded impressive growth.
-->What does the future holds for camera users?
The features offered by digital cameras can be quite mind-boggling for the average user and pretty exciting for most pros. Four key ongoing camera developments that are likely to further improve the process of photography:
1. Greater resolution from even the simplest, low cost camera models
2. Usage in any type of lighting conditions,
3. Compatibility across a range of software, hardware and image types
4. Rich colors and tone
While the higher-end digital evolution continues, the prices of the simple camera have crashed to such an extent that even children and teens are proud owners of uncomplicated cameras. The camera and photography interest starts young and this creates a truly large audience base for the camera industry.
And throughout history, it is evident that the endeavor of researchers and developers has been to make the camera available to a wide section of society. Without camera technology and photography, the other key developments of cinema and TV would have been delayed and what a boring place the world would have been without TV and films!!
The early camera that first became a phenomenon was a little more than a pinhole camera and can be traced back to 1558. It was called the Camera Obscura. The Camera Obscura was seen as a drawing tool for a clearer and realistic portrayal of objects. It was in the early 19th century that an invention named the Camera Lucida was introduced by Cambridge scientist William Hyde Wollaston that consisted of an optical device that could help an artist view a distant scene or person or object on a paper surface that he or she was using to draw. In other words the artist gets to view a superimposed image of a subject on paper and this image could be effectively used to attempt to draw, trace or paint it. Both the Camera Obscura and the Camera Lucida provided an image that was temporary, which could not be lastingly captured on to paper for later reference.
Studies however continued well into the 1800's on how to actually capture the image onto material. It was during this time, around 1822 that French researcher Joseph Nicephore Niepce, created the first photograph by using paper that was coated with a chemical. The image would not stay permanently on the paper and would disappear after a short while. Even so, despite the short-lived nature of the image, the concept of photography was born with this experiment and paved the way for further study and development in this field.
Capturing images to retain them longer and permanently became the next big quest for researchers. Another Frenchman Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre partnered with Joseph Nicéphore Niépce in 1829, to develop the process of creating permanent photographs. Joseph Niépce died in 1833 but Daguerre continued with the work and succeeded in 1837 after many long years of experimentation. The process of capturing photographic images that would not fade away, introduced by Daguerre came to be known as the 'daguerreotype'.
The word 'photography' was coined by scientist Sir John F.W. Herschel in 1839 and it is actually is derived from two Greek words 'photos' meaning light and 'graphein' meaning draw.
A slightly more advanced version of the daguerreotype called the Calotype process that makes multiple copies possible using the negative and positive method became available very soon after. In fact, it was during the 1840's that the use of photographic images in advertisements first started and cameras made their mark on the power of visual communication. It was not much later, in the 1850's that photographers first started experimenting with underwater photography of seascapes.
Up until 1850, the process of capturing images was cumbersome requiring upto half an hour of light exposure. The discovery made in 1851 by Frederick Scott Archer was a blessing since the new method termed the Collodion process called for just 2-3 seconds of light exposure to capture an image.
Prior to 1871, photographers went through a development process where they had to coat the plate with wet chemical each and every time and process the image immediately. With the invention the gelatin dry plate silver bromide process by Richard Leach Maddox, negatives did not have to be developed immediately. This was an important discovery since up until then the captured image had to be processed instantly.
Kodak created in 1888 by George Eastman has been a modern day pioneer of sorts in cameras and photography for the masses. George Eastman and the scientists who worked with him at Kodak developed the photographic film in 1889 and made it available in rolls for the mass use of consumers. An important milestone in our entertainment and communication history was the development of transparent roll film by Eastman. This development led to another key invention - the motion picture camera by Thomas Edison's in 1891.
-->Modern Times
During the 20th century the pace of technology development in cameras and photography continued at an accelerated pace much like many other key technology developments. While several key inventions like car, telephone and the gramophone record happened in the later half of the 19th century, it is the last 100 years that saw major developmental work in many areas of communications technology and as well as in other fields - TV, aircrafts, PCs, digital technology, digital cameras, mobile phones, fax machines and the internet, to name a few.
In the case of the camera, the developments simplified the whole process of photography, making it accessible to one and all at affordable prices and the camera industry denizens of our times made it into a mass phenomenon. The first mass use camera became available at the turn of the 20th century and can be traced back to the year 1900. There are hundreds of models of cameras available today both for the amateur as well as the professional and the camera is an important part of any family's repertoire of must have gadgets.
-->20th century chronology in the history of the camera:
1913: 35 mm still-camera created
1927: The flash bulb introduced by General Electric Co. (The concept of camera flash existed much before but was based on the use of a flash light powder that was invented by German researchers)
1935- 1941: Kodak starts marketing Kodachrome film and subsequently launches Kodacolor negative film. Canon released the Hansa Canon in 1936, the first 35mm focal-plane shutter camera.
1948: The concept of the Polaroid camera is introduced in the market. American scientist Edwin Land developed the process for instant photography. Later Polaroid Corporation developed the 'instant color' film around 1963.
1957: Frenchman Jaques Yves Cousteau invented the first waterproof 35mm camera for underwater photography named the Calypso Phot. The actual camera was developed by the Belgian airplane technical designer Jean de Wouters based on the blueprint and suggestions given to him by Cousteau.
1972: The electronic camera that does not require film was created and patented by Texas Instruments. This is however not the same as a digital camera though you don't require film in digital cameras as well. The launch of the digital camera is still many years away.
1975: Kodak's experiments with digital imaging kicked off around the mid seventies but it will take another 20 years before a digital camera for the home consumer market is launched.
1978 - 1980: Asian players like Konica and Sony begin to make their mark. The 'point and shoot' automatic focus camera is launched by Konica while Sony starts talking about the camcorder and demonstrates a prototype.
1981: Sony launches a commercially available electronic still camera. Similar to the 1972 invention by Texas Instruments, the Sony electronic camera came with a mini disc on which images were recorded and stored. The recorded images could be later printed or viewed on a monitor using a reader device.
1985: Digital processing technology makes its entry. Digital imaging and processing is introduced by Pixar.
1986: The camera industry becomes even more consumer focused and taps the fun and travel connotations behind camera usage, with the launch of the concept of the disposable single use cameras. Fuji is credited with the development of this concept.
Also in 1986 - 1987, Kodak started taking giant strides in digital development. Digital means, the photographic image is divided into tiny units of dots or squares known as pixels. Pixels are the programmable units of an image that can be processed by computers. Each image could be made up of millions of pixels. The use of pixels in digital technology allows storing large volumes of pixels to deliver high definition print quality.
1990: Kodak introduces Photo CD's. It is a system of storing photographic images on CD and then viewing them on a computer. With this development the user-friendly approach of the camera industry began to take concrete shape.
1991: Kodak introduces a digital camera targeted at professionals and journalists. Kodak is credited with the invention of a pixel based camera technology known to us as the digital camera. Digital cameras don't use film similar to their predecessor electronic cameras but the storage method is entirely different and the final photograph is of much higher resolution. In a digital camera photos are recorded and stored in digital form. This digital data can be transferred to a computer and processed for printing. Kodak and Canon are well known digital camera manufacturers and there are also several other key brands as well.
1994: The Apple QuickTake camera, a home use digital camera is launched. This is followed by the launch of a clutch of home use digital cameras by Casio, Kodak and others in quick succession during 1995 -'96.
-->The digital era:
The development of digital camera technology is considered to be linked to the development of TV and Video technology. The principles of transmission and recording of audio-visual images using digital electrical impulses finds use in camera imaging as well.
Through the 1990's the developments continued in camera technology, the focus now shifting to the field of digital imaging which is where the future lies. Use-friendly features like software that can download digital images directly from camera onto home computers for storing and sharing on the internet is the new norm in the market place.
The camera, the computer, the software industry and the worldwide web are today irrevocably interlinked to empower the user in experiencing the benefits of camera usage to full potential. The innovation that sparked many an invention in the camera industry found its way into the digital world as well and continued among digital camera manufacturers. During 2001, the Kodak and Microsoft partnership ensured that digital camera manufacturers could use the power of Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP) standard through Windows. The digital photo experience is a key visual driver in the Internet era. Many of Kodak digital camera models with EasyShare capabilities are compatible with Windows XP. The Kodak EasyShare software enables users to transfer digital camera pictures directly from camera to their computers and then print the pictures or even email them.
Manufacturers in a related industry like the printing industry have adapted their products to be in sync with the images created by digital cameras. Cell phone manufacturers have tied up with digital camera manufacturers to develop new age camera phones in recent years. These camera phones can capture images and share the images through the cell phone.
Among the 21st century digital developments are the advanced product offerings from digital cameras manufacturers and these are sure to occupy an important place in the ensuing history of camera development. For instance, the Kodak Professional DCS Pro SLR/c is a high-end digital camera and the Kodak website calls the DCS Pro SLR models the most feature-rich digital cameras on the market. It has an image sensor that can handle 13.89 million pixels and this makes it the highest resolution digital camera available. High resolution determines the sharpness or level of detail in photographic images. This is just a glimpse of the capabilities that digital technology places in a user's hands. Digital camera sales figures for 2003 show that the two key players Kodak and Canon have recorded impressive growth.
-->What does the future holds for camera users?
The features offered by digital cameras can be quite mind-boggling for the average user and pretty exciting for most pros. Four key ongoing camera developments that are likely to further improve the process of photography:
1. Greater resolution from even the simplest, low cost camera models
2. Usage in any type of lighting conditions,
3. Compatibility across a range of software, hardware and image types
4. Rich colors and tone
While the higher-end digital evolution continues, the prices of the simple camera have crashed to such an extent that even children and teens are proud owners of uncomplicated cameras. The camera and photography interest starts young and this creates a truly large audience base for the camera industry.
And throughout history, it is evident that the endeavor of researchers and developers has been to make the camera available to a wide section of society. Without camera technology and photography, the other key developments of cinema and TV would have been delayed and what a boring place the world would have been without TV and films!!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/18736
The Hydraulic Jaw Crusher - What Are the Advantages?
The hydraulic jaw crusher is the most popular, widespread version
of crushing equipment and has been widely used in sectors such as
mining, metallurgy, building materials, transportation and many others
as well. The mining industry is generally considered to have the largest
market share. Existing jaw crushers usually consist of a frame, a fixed
jaw, a movable jaw, toggle plates and also adjustable seat components
and which are all driven by the motor and allowed to work.
However, the overall state and quality of design of these machines in China is still relatively poor compared to the world level. This is down to a state of low productivity, very high energy usage, poor efficiency of materials, huge vibration and other defects. Traditional hydraulic jaw crushers were designed mainly based on prototypes from on the design, this has resulted in some of the features not necessarily acting in a particularly efficient way. Ideally future versions will increase the efficiency of the mechanisms, reduce their weight and to increase their cost effectiveness.
The hydraulic jaw crusher squeezes treated materials at a constant rate, which since the sections work in turn, the more sections, the more the crusher works in a uniform constant manner. The different jaw sections both squeeze and release the materials simultaneously. This unvarying work essentially reduces the horsepower, the dynamic load and also the crusher's weight and basic foundations. Also, the efficiency of the ability to break down rocks is increased since the load on the rocks between the different sections is possible - this is obviously the key reason for the operation of this machine, so all efficiency points are valid.
Finding a good supplier online is very easy in this modern age, it's possible to find a supplier for the hydraulic jaw crusher with a simple search and by creating a good relationship between supplier and customer this can ensure a high quality service and potentially cheaper maintenance costs on parts or servicing. It's also easier to fulfil the orders by being able to place orders around the clock - the supplier will receive and action the same day in most cases. The online supplier really makes the whole process a lot easier than it used to be.
This realisation of what the negatives and positives of the hydraulic jaw crusher allow it to be used effectively in business uses and largely in the mining sector. This sector requires the use of lots of machines to break up rocks and obviously these machines are perfect for this use. By finding the most efficient model, it is possible to achieve cheaper rates ongoing as they save on energy as well as the actual time used processing the work.
However, the overall state and quality of design of these machines in China is still relatively poor compared to the world level. This is down to a state of low productivity, very high energy usage, poor efficiency of materials, huge vibration and other defects. Traditional hydraulic jaw crushers were designed mainly based on prototypes from on the design, this has resulted in some of the features not necessarily acting in a particularly efficient way. Ideally future versions will increase the efficiency of the mechanisms, reduce their weight and to increase their cost effectiveness.
The hydraulic jaw crusher squeezes treated materials at a constant rate, which since the sections work in turn, the more sections, the more the crusher works in a uniform constant manner. The different jaw sections both squeeze and release the materials simultaneously. This unvarying work essentially reduces the horsepower, the dynamic load and also the crusher's weight and basic foundations. Also, the efficiency of the ability to break down rocks is increased since the load on the rocks between the different sections is possible - this is obviously the key reason for the operation of this machine, so all efficiency points are valid.
Finding a good supplier online is very easy in this modern age, it's possible to find a supplier for the hydraulic jaw crusher with a simple search and by creating a good relationship between supplier and customer this can ensure a high quality service and potentially cheaper maintenance costs on parts or servicing. It's also easier to fulfil the orders by being able to place orders around the clock - the supplier will receive and action the same day in most cases. The online supplier really makes the whole process a lot easier than it used to be.
This realisation of what the negatives and positives of the hydraulic jaw crusher allow it to be used effectively in business uses and largely in the mining sector. This sector requires the use of lots of machines to break up rocks and obviously these machines are perfect for this use. By finding the most efficient model, it is possible to achieve cheaper rates ongoing as they save on energy as well as the actual time used processing the work.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8435444
Canon IXUS Camera - A Review of a One of a Kind Type of Digital Camera
The Canon IXUS camera is a very unique piece of technology when
it comes to cameras. It is very flexible and compact and can be carried
easily in your pocket. Most models have on average 7 mega pixels and
optical zoom up to 3 times that of any other type of digital camera.
It has a large LCD screen which is helpful in making the menu easier to read. Not to mention the picture quality which is excellent.The Canon IXUS camera picture does not get hazy or misty even in very light areas. Even in dark areas the picture is very clear. The picture quality and management of color is superb. There is face detection technology built into the camera and this works wonders on outdoor shots.
Even in an indoor situation with low light the camera focuses well. A well balanced image is the result of an evenly distributed light given off by the flash.The body of the Canon IXUS camera is very solid and hard. It is small and has the latest technology built in.
With an extending zoom lens and a quick start up you can see why it is an all time favorite for many people. The optical view finder is just one of many features this camera has. It has an auto focus system which works slow in dim light and fast in bright light.The auto focus system helps to focus in darker areas and has a range of 4m and an in built flash range of 6 m.
There are three shooting modes i.e auto, manual, and shooting modes. In each of these modes the settings can be adjusted simply be activating the function button.The Canon IXUS camera includes up to, or more than 7 pixels (depending on model type) and high quality lens. It maintains a good quality picture at all times in all types of conditions.
It has a large LCD screen which is helpful in making the menu easier to read. Not to mention the picture quality which is excellent.The Canon IXUS camera picture does not get hazy or misty even in very light areas. Even in dark areas the picture is very clear. The picture quality and management of color is superb. There is face detection technology built into the camera and this works wonders on outdoor shots.
Even in an indoor situation with low light the camera focuses well. A well balanced image is the result of an evenly distributed light given off by the flash.The body of the Canon IXUS camera is very solid and hard. It is small and has the latest technology built in.
With an extending zoom lens and a quick start up you can see why it is an all time favorite for many people. The optical view finder is just one of many features this camera has. It has an auto focus system which works slow in dim light and fast in bright light.The auto focus system helps to focus in darker areas and has a range of 4m and an in built flash range of 6 m.
There are three shooting modes i.e auto, manual, and shooting modes. In each of these modes the settings can be adjusted simply be activating the function button.The Canon IXUS camera includes up to, or more than 7 pixels (depending on model type) and high quality lens. It maintains a good quality picture at all times in all types of conditions.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3553650
GX7 Camera
This DMC-GX7 camera with 16.84MP and live MOS sensor is one of
those that you just must have. This DSLM will certainly give you a nice
smile while capturing photos or videos with its Full HD at 1920*1080 at
60fps. We believe that this will make it easy for you to take many
photos and long Full HD videos as it has a small weight of just 14.24
ounces. Its size is 4.83 x 2.78 x 2.15 inches and it will allow you to
have a good fun. It was very exciting for us to enjoy its Tilt-able Live
View Finder that you can tilt to 90 degrees and experience flexibility
in creating perfection. With its LVF - Live View Finders 2764K dot
equivalent Hi-Res packing almost 100% correct color reproduction can be
used in any circumstances you find yourself in.
We liked that we were able to capture a great Full HD videos in both MP4 and AVCHD Progressive formats with the stereo sounds which we all like. With the option Full time Auto Focus tracking we found this compact GX7 to give quite a lot for its size. Its Creative Control will allow you to use 22 amazing filter effects to add that extra spark to your photos, especially if you use its options and set various parameters for each of the filters that you will be using.
No matter how good you are with taking photos, we are sure that you will find it handy to have a great anti-shake or camera stabilization working with you to create that perfect catch. It has built in LUMIX MEGA O.I.S technology that will allow you to effectively use non optically stabilized lenses as well. GX7 has a Focus Peaking that will show you exactly where the focus is while you are in the live view. With its Pin-Point Auto Focus you can also set the zoom anywhere from 3 times to 10 times.
Today is all about sharing and we think that this DSLM has all that you need when you think about that. Thanks to its WiFi function it will allow you to connect to your camera using your tablet or smartphone to control and take that perfect photo even if you are not holding the camera. This little gadget is full of surprises and technology, all wrapped in a nice and easy to follow setup allowing you to quickly set everything, from remote connection to where the photo should go once it is taken. If you thought that it was easy to share before, this small, but powerful GX7 will show you just how much easier it can be. If you want to purchase a camera, we recommend that you take a look at this one as it is certainly something we would like to have in our own private collection.
We liked that we were able to capture a great Full HD videos in both MP4 and AVCHD Progressive formats with the stereo sounds which we all like. With the option Full time Auto Focus tracking we found this compact GX7 to give quite a lot for its size. Its Creative Control will allow you to use 22 amazing filter effects to add that extra spark to your photos, especially if you use its options and set various parameters for each of the filters that you will be using.
No matter how good you are with taking photos, we are sure that you will find it handy to have a great anti-shake or camera stabilization working with you to create that perfect catch. It has built in LUMIX MEGA O.I.S technology that will allow you to effectively use non optically stabilized lenses as well. GX7 has a Focus Peaking that will show you exactly where the focus is while you are in the live view. With its Pin-Point Auto Focus you can also set the zoom anywhere from 3 times to 10 times.
Today is all about sharing and we think that this DSLM has all that you need when you think about that. Thanks to its WiFi function it will allow you to connect to your camera using your tablet or smartphone to control and take that perfect photo even if you are not holding the camera. This little gadget is full of surprises and technology, all wrapped in a nice and easy to follow setup allowing you to quickly set everything, from remote connection to where the photo should go once it is taken. If you thought that it was easy to share before, this small, but powerful GX7 will show you just how much easier it can be. If you want to purchase a camera, we recommend that you take a look at this one as it is certainly something we would like to have in our own private collection.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8446198
5 Important Reasons to Buy Wholesale Electronic Parts
In a tight economy, buying wholesale electronic parts
is one of the smartest moves. Most manufacturers who deal with bulk
products will benefit more from buying components in larger quantities.
The first important reason is financial, as they will get better value
for their money if they purchase larger amounts of these parts. The
companies that sell these parts will be willing to give them a
substantial discount for the large sales. This is very advantageous for
buyers who need the electronic parts to manufacture electronic products.
Buying the parts at a cheaper price will substantially reduce the
manufacturing and production costs.
Companies that want to buy components that are not being produced anymore may have to purchase them as wholesale parts. For example, a manufacturer may need to purchase a component that is not being produced anymore. Most wholesalers and manufacturers are not willing to sell a single component of a product that is no longer in production. They can only make an exception for the buyer if they are buying a large quantity of this product.
Wholesale purchases are ideal for companies that want customization of an electronic component. The manufacturer of a component is likelier to make specific changes to it if the buyer is purchasing in bulk. For example, a manufacturer could accept to brand an electronic component for the buyer if they are purchasing exceptionally large amounts. They could make the components specifically for this company so that they can meet their individual needs.
There are some components that are never available in retail outlets. However, requesting for them in bulk allows the buyer to buy such wholesale electronic parts. This is because these components are only available in large quantities. Buying wholesale will therefore give the buyer access to products that they would normally not get if they decided to buy in smaller quantities.
Buying wholesale components is also ideal for manufacturers who are purchasing the electronic parts from another country or state. This is because they will need to ship the components over a long distance. Shipping such components can be hectic and frustrating. It is often better to do it once in a while that to do it often. Therefore, such companies can purchase them in bulk and ship them once. They will then make another order for the same components once their current supply is over. Furthermore, shipping the components once in a while as opposed to regular shipping will be cheaper for the company.
Buying wholesale electronic parts has benefits that most manufacturers and wholesalers cannot ignore. In the end, they will help to make things easier for the buyer. Furthermore, they will reduce the production cost and this will give the company that is using these parts a larger profit margin. When purchasing electronic components in bulk, it is always better to get the products straight from the manufacturers or from a credible wholesaler. This is the only way the buyer can be sure that they are getting genuine and high quality components.
Companies that want to buy components that are not being produced anymore may have to purchase them as wholesale parts. For example, a manufacturer may need to purchase a component that is not being produced anymore. Most wholesalers and manufacturers are not willing to sell a single component of a product that is no longer in production. They can only make an exception for the buyer if they are buying a large quantity of this product.
Wholesale purchases are ideal for companies that want customization of an electronic component. The manufacturer of a component is likelier to make specific changes to it if the buyer is purchasing in bulk. For example, a manufacturer could accept to brand an electronic component for the buyer if they are purchasing exceptionally large amounts. They could make the components specifically for this company so that they can meet their individual needs.
There are some components that are never available in retail outlets. However, requesting for them in bulk allows the buyer to buy such wholesale electronic parts. This is because these components are only available in large quantities. Buying wholesale will therefore give the buyer access to products that they would normally not get if they decided to buy in smaller quantities.
Buying wholesale components is also ideal for manufacturers who are purchasing the electronic parts from another country or state. This is because they will need to ship the components over a long distance. Shipping such components can be hectic and frustrating. It is often better to do it once in a while that to do it often. Therefore, such companies can purchase them in bulk and ship them once. They will then make another order for the same components once their current supply is over. Furthermore, shipping the components once in a while as opposed to regular shipping will be cheaper for the company.
Buying wholesale electronic parts has benefits that most manufacturers and wholesalers cannot ignore. In the end, they will help to make things easier for the buyer. Furthermore, they will reduce the production cost and this will give the company that is using these parts a larger profit margin. When purchasing electronic components in bulk, it is always better to get the products straight from the manufacturers or from a credible wholesaler. This is the only way the buyer can be sure that they are getting genuine and high quality components.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8413266
Latest Apple Tablets - Designed For Perfection!
When it comes to buying a high-quality and user-friendly tablet,
the first name that comes in our mind is Apple. Apple is one of the
popular manufacturers of quality electronics such as laptops, mobile
phones, tablets and Notebook computers. The latest Apple tablets have
become enormously popular across every section of the globe owing to
their breathtaking features and advanced functionality. Their high-end
functionality and stylish looks adds to their price. Not every common
man can afford to buy these gadgets. But, with the advent of online
stores, the buying process has becomes a lot easier and convenient.
Moreover, the medium provides buyers the benefit of several exciting
deals and offers as well.
Let us throw light on some advanced features found in the latest Apple tablets. These include:
Excellent webcams
Built-in webcams found in the latest gadgets enable the users to click excellent shots of their near and dear ones. Thus, they can capture all their special memories in an impressive manner. Further equipped with innovative features and advanced functionality, the webcams enables users to capture every single detail in an impressive way. Almost all the latest gadgets support integrated webcams these days. The camera quality is amazing.
Easy and fast internet access
What can be more annoying than a slow internet speed while executing an important task?
This is another impressive feature supported by these devices. When it comes to internet access, the latest Apple tablets deliver an amazing performance. The gadgets come with built-in web browsers that offer an amazing speed to the users. In addition to sending and receiving emails, they can even chat with their loved ones on social networking sites. As far as the internet speed is concerned, it would never disappoint you.
High quality music players
This is another significant feature found in the latest Apple tablets. Incorporating the advanced music players, the devices provide users the freedom to listen to their favorite music. They can enjoy playing music in any of their favorite format. The latest models come equipped with both audio as well as video players.
Every individual wishes to own a tablet because of its highly useful and easy to use nature.
As far as a tablet computer or tablet is concerned, it is a single-piece mobile computer that is operated by touch screen. The demand for these gadgets in the market is extremely high especially the gadgets that support the Android operating system.
The android tablets are growing in popularity and demand. The Android operating system is a popular system that supports a wide range of applications. Incorporating a wide selection of apps, it has today become an extensively used Smartphone platform throughout the world. The gadgets are considered the best for organizations that demand customization, reasonable and compact operating system for superior devices. Looking at the rising demand for tablets in the market, a number of popular manufacturers have joined the race to offer their latest models in the market. Almost all these models are known to support innovative technology and advanced features capable enough to deal with the contemporary personal and business requirements of the users.
These are some of the popular features the latest Apple tablets support. An online shopping store is indeed an ideal choice for purchasing these gadgets. In addition, you can consider purchasing products launched by some other popular brands as well. You can check out the Best notebooks, Samsung, Sony and several other popular brands.
Let us throw light on some advanced features found in the latest Apple tablets. These include:
Excellent webcams
Built-in webcams found in the latest gadgets enable the users to click excellent shots of their near and dear ones. Thus, they can capture all their special memories in an impressive manner. Further equipped with innovative features and advanced functionality, the webcams enables users to capture every single detail in an impressive way. Almost all the latest gadgets support integrated webcams these days. The camera quality is amazing.
Easy and fast internet access
What can be more annoying than a slow internet speed while executing an important task?
This is another impressive feature supported by these devices. When it comes to internet access, the latest Apple tablets deliver an amazing performance. The gadgets come with built-in web browsers that offer an amazing speed to the users. In addition to sending and receiving emails, they can even chat with their loved ones on social networking sites. As far as the internet speed is concerned, it would never disappoint you.
High quality music players
This is another significant feature found in the latest Apple tablets. Incorporating the advanced music players, the devices provide users the freedom to listen to their favorite music. They can enjoy playing music in any of their favorite format. The latest models come equipped with both audio as well as video players.
Every individual wishes to own a tablet because of its highly useful and easy to use nature.
As far as a tablet computer or tablet is concerned, it is a single-piece mobile computer that is operated by touch screen. The demand for these gadgets in the market is extremely high especially the gadgets that support the Android operating system.
The android tablets are growing in popularity and demand. The Android operating system is a popular system that supports a wide range of applications. Incorporating a wide selection of apps, it has today become an extensively used Smartphone platform throughout the world. The gadgets are considered the best for organizations that demand customization, reasonable and compact operating system for superior devices. Looking at the rising demand for tablets in the market, a number of popular manufacturers have joined the race to offer their latest models in the market. Almost all these models are known to support innovative technology and advanced features capable enough to deal with the contemporary personal and business requirements of the users.
These are some of the popular features the latest Apple tablets support. An online shopping store is indeed an ideal choice for purchasing these gadgets. In addition, you can consider purchasing products launched by some other popular brands as well. You can check out the Best notebooks, Samsung, Sony and several other popular brands.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8447626
Introduction to Wireless Chargers
There are scores of items in an average household that require a
regular supply of electric current for their operation, while others
need to be recharged periodically, such as laptops, tablets, mobile
phones, electric toothbrushes, mp3 players, and shavers etc. We have got
so used to these gadgets that it is difficult to imagine living without
them. The one thing associated with all these devices is an electric
cable and the larger is the number of such devices, the more are the
cables. Unfortunately, any bunch of tumbled dusty wires creates a very
ugly sight. Moreover, they can be hazardous and present the risk of your
tumbling over them, unless you are careful. The introduction of
wireless chargers, which eliminate the use of wires, is a blessing, as
by using them, one can operate or recharge many devices.
It is already known that, with the help of electromagnetic fields we can transfer energy between two close objects, located close to each other, even without connecting the two through wires. When we pass electric current through an electric wire, an electromagnetic field is established around that electric wire. Instead of using a straight wire, if we use a wire in the form a coil, we can amplify the magnetic field. By positioning another coil close to the former, the magnetic field induces a current in the secondary coil. That is basically the principle of operation of wireless chargers, where the energy is transmitted to the primary coil of the charging unit. As a result, an electromagnetic field is formed, which in turn induces a current in the secondary coil of the device that need to be charged. That is why wireless charging is also termed "inductive charging".
Since the two coils, meaning the primary and the secondary, are not interconnected, it is feasible for the electromagnetic field, set up in the primary coil of a charging device, to induce voltage in the secondary coil. It implies that, if we had more than one secondary coil, all coils would receive induced voltage from the primary coil. That is the underlying principle of modern wireless chargers that allow you to recharge multiple gadgets at the same time. Now, you can procure a wireless charger that will simultaneously charge your camera, your mobile phone and your music player.
Wireless chargers are easy to use and known to be safe as long as they are used according to the instructions of the manufacturer. You are not exposed to any risks of harmful radiations. This is a very safe and efficient option for charging various devices. Wireless chargers eliminate the need of plugging-in so often! They will automatically charge any mobile device falling within their range.
It is already known that, with the help of electromagnetic fields we can transfer energy between two close objects, located close to each other, even without connecting the two through wires. When we pass electric current through an electric wire, an electromagnetic field is established around that electric wire. Instead of using a straight wire, if we use a wire in the form a coil, we can amplify the magnetic field. By positioning another coil close to the former, the magnetic field induces a current in the secondary coil. That is basically the principle of operation of wireless chargers, where the energy is transmitted to the primary coil of the charging unit. As a result, an electromagnetic field is formed, which in turn induces a current in the secondary coil of the device that need to be charged. That is why wireless charging is also termed "inductive charging".
Since the two coils, meaning the primary and the secondary, are not interconnected, it is feasible for the electromagnetic field, set up in the primary coil of a charging device, to induce voltage in the secondary coil. It implies that, if we had more than one secondary coil, all coils would receive induced voltage from the primary coil. That is the underlying principle of modern wireless chargers that allow you to recharge multiple gadgets at the same time. Now, you can procure a wireless charger that will simultaneously charge your camera, your mobile phone and your music player.
Wireless chargers are easy to use and known to be safe as long as they are used according to the instructions of the manufacturer. You are not exposed to any risks of harmful radiations. This is a very safe and efficient option for charging various devices. Wireless chargers eliminate the need of plugging-in so often! They will automatically charge any mobile device falling within their range.
Are you interested in learning more about the wireless charger, as well as making comparisons and purchasing one?
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8425094
Monday, 7 April 2014
How Much Does a Bankruptcy Lawyer Cost?
You have found yourself in a pile of bills and aren't sure what
to do. You are behind on your mortgage, your car payment, and you have
creditors calling you day and night. You feel overwhelmed and are on the
verge of breaking. You actually feel like you might lose your house to
foreclosure. Does this sound like you?
If you are more than 60 days behind on a majority of your bills and see no relief in sight and no way to catch up, it might be time to contact a bankruptcy lawyer.
What a Bankruptcy Lawyer can do for you:
Filing for bankruptcy is a complicated matter, a lot harder than most people think. There are many forms and documents that must be filled out, a lot of data to collect, and knowledge of when to file what. Just getting all the right forms for your specific case is no small feat. That is where a Bankruptcy Lawyer can help.
They are experts at this and know how to properly handle your specific case and when to file all the correct documents. They can anticipate any problems and handle them appropriately when they arise, and trust me, they DO arise. They also can help you on the path to financial recovery and give you invaluable advice on how to begin repairing your credit. Ultimately, your goal should be to get out of debt, and STAY out of debt by learning how to manage your finances and not spend beyond your means. Your bankruptcy attorney can point you in the right direction for these very valuable classes and counseling services.
Costs of Filing Bankruptcy:
Effective November 12, 2012, the fees collected at the time of filing chapter 7 bankruptcy is $306 and the fees collected for chapter 13 is $281. This does not cover any lawyer costs, this is specifically the cost of filing with the court.
For the cost of hiring a lawyer, there is a wide range of prices. The average cost for hiring a lawyer is $950-$2000 for chapter 7 and $3500-$5000 for chapter 13.
Overall, if you need help and fear you might lose your house, your car, or your paychecks might get garnished, the cost of losing those things far outweighs the cost of hiring a bankruptcy lawyer. It's always worth it in my opinion to seek the assistance of an expert when it comes to something as important as your financial future and your family's well-being.
If you are more than 60 days behind on a majority of your bills and see no relief in sight and no way to catch up, it might be time to contact a bankruptcy lawyer.
What a Bankruptcy Lawyer can do for you:
Filing for bankruptcy is a complicated matter, a lot harder than most people think. There are many forms and documents that must be filled out, a lot of data to collect, and knowledge of when to file what. Just getting all the right forms for your specific case is no small feat. That is where a Bankruptcy Lawyer can help.
They are experts at this and know how to properly handle your specific case and when to file all the correct documents. They can anticipate any problems and handle them appropriately when they arise, and trust me, they DO arise. They also can help you on the path to financial recovery and give you invaluable advice on how to begin repairing your credit. Ultimately, your goal should be to get out of debt, and STAY out of debt by learning how to manage your finances and not spend beyond your means. Your bankruptcy attorney can point you in the right direction for these very valuable classes and counseling services.
Costs of Filing Bankruptcy:
Effective November 12, 2012, the fees collected at the time of filing chapter 7 bankruptcy is $306 and the fees collected for chapter 13 is $281. This does not cover any lawyer costs, this is specifically the cost of filing with the court.
For the cost of hiring a lawyer, there is a wide range of prices. The average cost for hiring a lawyer is $950-$2000 for chapter 7 and $3500-$5000 for chapter 13.
Overall, if you need help and fear you might lose your house, your car, or your paychecks might get garnished, the cost of losing those things far outweighs the cost of hiring a bankruptcy lawyer. It's always worth it in my opinion to seek the assistance of an expert when it comes to something as important as your financial future and your family's well-being.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7857316
Get the Help You Need With a Bankruptcy Attorney
In an economy where many people do not have jobs, cannot find
jobs, or have jobs where they are barely making ends meet things can get
extremely stressful financially. Sometimes things become so financially
difficult that people have to turn to whatever means is possible in
order to get out from under their debt and get their head above water
once again. For a number of people the only way that they can get their
finances in order and start to get a bit ahead of the game again
financially is to turn to bankruptcy. For many people, this is not the
ideal option, but it is their only hope to get their financial lives
back on track once again. When you have made the decision that you need
to file for bankruptcy, then you need to find a bankruptcy attorney that
can help you with all of the questions and concerns that will arise.
Get the Answers You Need from a Bankruptcy Attorney
Making the decision to file bankruptcy is a lot more involved than people realize. Taking the time to locate a quality bankruptcy attorney will help you with all of the difficult decisions and legal questions that will arise when it comes time to start working on your paperwork. You will need to get all of your papers, bills, and all other documentation in order to take with you to your bankruptcy attorney so that he or she can help you determine exactly which type of bankruptcy to file. Choosing the right way to file is the best way to help get your financial life back on track.
Most Common Types of Bankruptcy
When it comes time for you to file, a bankruptcy attorney will help you determine which of the most common types of bankruptcy you need to file. The two most common types of bankruptcy are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
This is the most common type of bankruptcy filed by individuals. It is classified as a liquidation form of bankruptcy. The reason for this is property can be sold in an effort to pay off your debt; the exempt list to this includes items such as clothes and household furnishings. A bankruptcy attorney will help you understand what you can and cannot keep. They will also help you work out the best course of action related to secured loans such as car payments.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
If you have filed chapter 13 bankruptcy, you are making an agreement to pay back part of your debt. To qualify for this option you must have a reliable form of income with which to make payments. When filing this way you will be able to retain at least some of your assets.
If you are in a situation, where you need to file bankruptcy the most important step you can make is finding a good bankruptcy attorney. They will help you file all of your paperwork and help you determine what form of bankruptcy is right for you. Don't try to do it alone, get professional assistance.
Get the Answers You Need from a Bankruptcy Attorney
Making the decision to file bankruptcy is a lot more involved than people realize. Taking the time to locate a quality bankruptcy attorney will help you with all of the difficult decisions and legal questions that will arise when it comes time to start working on your paperwork. You will need to get all of your papers, bills, and all other documentation in order to take with you to your bankruptcy attorney so that he or she can help you determine exactly which type of bankruptcy to file. Choosing the right way to file is the best way to help get your financial life back on track.
Most Common Types of Bankruptcy
When it comes time for you to file, a bankruptcy attorney will help you determine which of the most common types of bankruptcy you need to file. The two most common types of bankruptcy are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
This is the most common type of bankruptcy filed by individuals. It is classified as a liquidation form of bankruptcy. The reason for this is property can be sold in an effort to pay off your debt; the exempt list to this includes items such as clothes and household furnishings. A bankruptcy attorney will help you understand what you can and cannot keep. They will also help you work out the best course of action related to secured loans such as car payments.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
If you have filed chapter 13 bankruptcy, you are making an agreement to pay back part of your debt. To qualify for this option you must have a reliable form of income with which to make payments. When filing this way you will be able to retain at least some of your assets.
If you are in a situation, where you need to file bankruptcy the most important step you can make is finding a good bankruptcy attorney. They will help you file all of your paperwork and help you determine what form of bankruptcy is right for you. Don't try to do it alone, get professional assistance.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7935617
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